How Two 20-Somethings Built A Gen Z Empire Of 10,000+ Trendsetters – Jarastyle Teen’s

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Co-Founded by Shaina Zafar and Ziad Ahmed in 2016, JUV Consulting has carved out a unique space in the world of marketing by focusing squarely on Generation Z. This innovative firm goes beyond traditional marketing approaches by leveraging a network of over 10,000 young people worldwide to deliver authentic insights and strategies that resonate with the Gen Z demographic. 

How Two 20-Somethings Built A Gen Z Empire Of 10,000+ Trendsetters JUV ConsultingHow Two 20-Somethings Built A Gen Z Empire Of 10,000+ Trendsetters JUV Consulting

JUV Consulting’s services span a comprehensive range of offerings, including market research, brand strategy, content creation, and social media management, all tailored to engage the most digitally savvy and socially conscious generation yet.

“I think the origin story of JUV is semi-accidental,” Shaina confesses. The inception of JUV was sparked by a glaring discrepancy she and her partner noticed in discussions about youth culture. They often found themselves as the youngest people in rooms filled with supposed experts on youth—rooms that mattered, like the UN and the White House. “It felt really strange,” Shaina remarks, “to be around 50-year-old youth experts when there are incredible young people that are more interesting, that can speak to culture in real-time.” This experience highlighted a missed opportunity for genuine engagement with the younger generation.

Identifying a “white space” in the marketing and consulting industry, Shaina and her co-founder saw an opportunity not just to fill a gap but to transform the approach towards engaging with young people. “This ethos that instead of talking about us, talk directly to us as young people just made sense,” Shaina explains, emphasizing the importance of treating Gen-Z not as subjects to be studied but as partners in conversation. “When you’re really little, you’re told that the best person to speak about a topic is the person from that community. Primary sources,” she says, reflecting on the foundational ethos of JUV as a Gen Z-founded and led firm.

The company’s unique position allows it to bridge the gap between the creator economy and traditional businesses, serving as translators who communicate the needs, desires, and aspirations of young creators to brands looking to engage with them. 

How Two 20-Somethings Built A Gen Z Empire Of 10,000+ Trendsetters: JUV Consulting

How Two 20-Somethings Built A Gen Z Empire Of 10,000+ Trendsetters: JUV Consulting

JUV Consulting’s Co-Founders Ziad Ahmed and Shaina Zafar 

Tapping into the Zeitgeist: Learning from Gen Z’s Vanguard

“At 24, I find myself turning to even younger members of our team to grasp what’s trending,” Shaina admits. Her approach underscores the fast-pace rythm on which cultural relevance shifts, especially among Gen Z.

Shaina reflects on her own experiences as a teenager, running a One Direction fan page, to illustrate the early indicators of trendsetting behaviors. “Fourteen-year-old girls were ahead of the curve with One Direction and Justin Bieber, long before these became household names,” she notes. This anecdote serves as a testament to the predictive power of youthful engagement and enthusiasm, emphasizing a critical strategy: direct engagement with the youngest demographics. “You can’t capture the essence of what’s happening in culture through reports or focus groups alone,” Shaina argues. The key lies in real conversations with those actively shaping and participating in cultural movements. 

Shaina’s perspective reinforces the notion that authenticity and innovation are non-negotiable in engaging Gen Z. “The biggest mistake brands make is assuming they can use the same strategies they’ve applied to previous generations and expect them to work with Gen Z,” she points out. It’s about more than just adopting trendy phrases; it’s about demonstrating a genuine connection to their values and being bold enough to stand for something.

JUV Consulting: Pioneering Influence in the Creator Economy

“We were one of the earliest adopters, obviously, in the space, like TikTok,” Shaina recounts, underscoring JUV’s foresight in recognizing the platform’s potential before it became a global phenomenon. This early adoption allowed JUV to support brands such as Lionsgate, Arthur, PBS, Method, and Care Star in establishing a compelling presence on TikTok, with their work for PBS being named one of the top TikTok accounts by Business Insider.

Shaina emphasizes the role of their head of talent, Nate, in steering JUV’s influencer collaborations. Their strategy isn’t just about managing social media accounts but also about curating content and spotlighting creators who resonate with their audience. “We just get to meet creators when they’re really early in their careers,” she shares, highlighting the story of a creator who was cast in the new Mean Girls movie. This creator went from less than 50,000 followers to over 600,000 in just two weeks, a growth trajectory that JUV had anticipated due to her talent and potential.

Shaina’s narrative seamlessly transitions from highlighting digital milestones to showcasing their tangible impact in the fashion industry through sustainable projects. She shares JUV’s successful partnership with COACH; the creation and triumph of Coachtopia, a project that signifies Coach’s innovative leap towards sustainability and community-driven design.

This collaboration led to the development of a brand that meticulously adheres to the principles of the circular economy, ensuring that no leather scrap is wasted. Over a span of two years, a vibrant community of eco-conscious fashion lovers, climate activists, and Gen Zers was brought together to breathe life into Coachtopia. “They would come to the store after hours, they would give them insights,” recounts Shaina, highlighting the deep level of engagement and the honest exchange of ideas between the community and Coach. 

The dedication to this collaborative process paid off spectacularly, with the collection experiencing rapid sell-outs three times in just three weeks post-launch. The inclusivity and authenticity of the campaign were further amplified by featuring community members and JUV’s own team as models on the website, showcasing the real faces behind the project’s success.

Shaina’s Guide: Winning Strategies for Brands, Creators, and Entrepreneurs

For brands, Shaina emphasizes the importance of leveraging the insights of those who are inherently part of Gen-Z, such as contingent employees who are active on various platforms. “They understand platform, they understand content,” she notes, pointing out the critical role of firsthand experience in grasping the nuances of Gen-Z’s digital environment. 

To truly immerse themselves in the world of Gen-Z, Shaina advises brands to actively participate in and observe the platforms favored by this demographic. “You don’t have to create TikToks all the time, but just be on the feed and see what pops up for you,” she suggests. This passive engagement can provide crucial insights into trending content and the evolving interests of Gen-Z users. 

For young creators and entrepreneurs, Shaina highlights the importance of having a solid foundation to remain grounded amidst the challenges and fluctuations of the industry. “Remind yourself what is the thing that grounds you. It could be faith. It could be family. I think this is really important because things can be really overwhelming,” she advises.

Shaina acknowledges the harsh realities that can come with striving for success in such a competitive field, from the cutthroat nature of the entertainment industry to the daunting experiences of adolescence. “Burnout is real,” she says. 

Exploring the Creator Economy and Intergenerational Dialogue with JUV Consulting

Shaina shares exciting developments at the intersection of the creator economy and intergenerational dialogue through their new podcast, “Screenshot.” Launched with an aim to feature discussions with CMOs and CEOs about the dynamics of the creator economy and the nuances of conversations between generations, the podcast promises to be a rich source of insights and perspectives. “We just launched episode two today on Valentine’s Day” Shaina explains.

The podcast not only delves into the creator economy but also explores the complexities of communication and understanding between different generations, particularly focusing on Gen Z and their interplay with other age groups.

Highlighting the caliber of guests featured on “Screenshot,” Shaina mentions interviews with notable figures such as the CMO of EOS and Mariam, a five-time CMO known for the “We Love NYC” campaign. These discussions aim to provide listeners with a deep dive into strategies and experiences at the helm of influential marketing campaigns and initiatives.

“Screenshot” emerges as a platform for honest and engaging discussions that span professional insights and personal anecdotes, aiming to foster a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape of the creator economy and the rich tapestry of intergenerational dialogue.

JUV Consulting: Envisioning the Future of Creator Rights 

“As time goes on, creators will be really curious about how they build their own set of creator rights,” Shaina predicts, highlighting a growing concern over how platforms accommodate and respect creators’ autonomy and intellectual property.

This includes critical questions about the future impact of Artificial Intelligence on content creation and ownership rights. “There are really complicated questions…what the future of AI looks like on platforms, what that means for creators,” she notes, emphasizing the urgent need for clarity and fairness in how creations are used and monetized.

Shaina anticipates that the discourse around creator rights and platform responsibilities will intensify, leading to a push for more robust regulations and equitable treatment of creators across digital spaces. “This question of regulation and creator rights is something that will become more popular and relevant in the next year,” she states, suggesting a pivotal moment for the creator economy where reevaluation of platform benefits—both monetary and personal—becomes crucial.


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