Fun with Summer Brights with Olive & June Jellies, Part Deux – Jarastyle

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Fun with Summer Brights with Olive & June Jellies, Part Deux - JarastyleWhen you nails match the flowers!

The Olive & June Nail Polish Remover Pot is like the gift that keeps on giving! I just figured out yet another reason why I love it so much; it makes it really easy to remove any excess oils or lotions or products from nails before laying down that first layer of polish.

Side note, apparently this is a critical prep step, and if you skip it, then your polish won’t grip onto your nail as effectively, so you risk it chipping more readily.

So, say for example, you’re about to paint your nails, but you give yourself a quick hand massage with a rich lotion and cuticle oil. You have to remove all those products from your nails first before painting them.

I feel like this is one of those steps that I learned a loooong time ago but kinda forgot – whoops!

Fun with Summer Brights with Olive & June Jellies, Part Deux - JarastyleI love this thing!

Basically it’s no effort to pop a finger into the pot and wipe off whatever lotions or whatnot are on my fingers at that moment.

Anywho, this pot that is giving me so much unexpected joy, LOL!

The sun is finally out in Marin County, so I grabbed the chance to walk around the neighborhood with freshly painted paws, which were Olive & June, of course. The shades I’m wearing happen to go perfectly with all the blooming trees and plants. 🙂

Bocce Ball is Olive & June’s bright green with a jelly finish. Flowerpot is also a jelly, but in a terracotta shade. Both remind me so much of summer days spent just hanging out in nature.

Fun with Summer Brights with Olive & June Jellies, Part Deux - Jarastyle

Two layers of Olive & June Flowerpot
Fun with Summer Brights with Olive & June Jellies, Part Deux - JarastyleOlive & June Bocce Ball

Like the other polishes from the summer collection, the jellies have an element of transparency that’s not immediately apparent when you see them from an arm’s length away. Get up close, though, and you’ll notice the whites of your nails peeking through the polish, which is kinda cool.

Fun with Summer Brights with Olive & June Jellies, Part Deux - JarastyleTwo layers of Bocce Ball (and my neighbor’s amazing jade plant)

It’s been a minute since I’ve felt excited to do nails, so I’m really happy this manicure set came into my life.

For a while painting my nails felt tedious, and I think part of it was because I didn’t really have a centralized kit with all my stuff in it. I have a drawer that I chuck polishes into along with random bits and bobs for nail maintenance. It’s low key out of control and hard to find stuff. Not fun. Now that I have a cute box with everything I need, it just makes it really easy and pleasant.

Another thing that I think made it feel like a chore was that I didn’t realize until the last few months that I needed to be wearing reading glasses! I’ve basically been painting my nails half blind for over a year now… YOWZA. It’s a whole new world when you can see what you’re actually doing, which leads me to another thing that I wanted to ask you about — READING GLASSES. If you have any recommendations for brands/styles, please let me know. I need a few new pairs.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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