From Casual Hair Posts To Natural Hair Authority – Jarastyle Teen’s

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Content Creator and natural hair/curl care expert Bianca Renee unexpectedly stumbled into influencer fame back in 2013. Posting impromptu hair tutorials at a time when curly hair content was scarce, Bianca  struck a chord with viewers who connected with her authentic voice. 

“I just kind of accidentally became a curly hair YouTuber,” begins Bianca Renee about her foray into making YouTube videos. She noticed that curly hair care videos were scarce in 2013 and mainly consisted of tutorials for using hair styling tools to curl straight hair. Having naturally curly hair herself, Bianca recognized an opportunity to help others embracing their curls. “I did it because it didn’t exist, and I just knew that I couldn’t be the only one with frizzy hair that didn’t want frizzy hair anymore.”

Raised by a mother with straight hair, Bianca admits she previously used products made for straight hair that left her curls lackluster. Everything changed when she discovered her first curly hair-specific product. “I was just shocked at how well my hair looked,” Bianca recalls. Motivated to help others find products actually suited for curly hair, she decided to film a tutorial. The overwhelmingly positive response set Bianca  on a path to building one of YouTube’s first exclusively curly hair channels.

Bianca  attributes her passion for creating helpful content to always loving to help people. Becoming an influencer may not have been the initial goal, but providing useful advice aligned with her natural inclinations. “ I’ve always loved helping people, just in general,” she explains. Though Bianca  also dreamed of working as a red carpet host, her YouTube channel eclipsed previous hosting attempts in viewership and allowed her to turn her passion for hair care into a full-time career.

From Casual Hair Posts To Natural Hair Authority: Tracing Bianca Renee’s Influencer Story

Turning a Passion into a Profession

“The challenges are different from then versus now because it wasn’t a career, it was just something you did for fun,” she clarifies about her early days posting videos as a hobby. Without income tied to content or follower count targets to hit, Bianca  simply enjoyed helping people while learning about consistency and social media along the way.

The turning point arrived unexpectedly during a brand promotion gig. “I remember the day I was recognized for the first time outside,”Bianca recalls. Caught off guard by a fan interaction for the first time, she pondered if she could commit to influencer work full-time. Quitting a steady job for the unknown trajectory of internet fame felt daunting. “There’s no consistent money when being an influencer. Everything is based [on] when you get your next brand deal. So it could be a little nerve wracking,” Bianca  explains. Still, her passion for creating kept her motivated to take the risk.

Early on, Bianca admits to undervaluing her worth to brands. “I was always excited when a brand would just send me a product,” she says, not realizing the monetary value she brought to sponsored content. After linking up with a manager, her perspective shifted. “If I can keep up with this rate. I don’t need my other job and I  could just make this a thing,” Bianca  asserts. With guidance to industry standards, she gained the confidence to ask brands for fair compensation.

Now under the representation of a talent management company, Bianca  embraces focusing purely on content while business aspects are handled externally. “I would encourage people to find a manager that they can trust, So that way they can just focus on what they do well, creating content. ,” Bianca  advises. With  management taking on negotiating, contracting and accounting duties, Bianca avoids undervaluing her worth. “If my engagement goes up then so does my rate ,” she explains the brand deal pricing process. Though hesitant at first to make big asks of sponsors, Bianca  has learned to trust her team’s guidance.

Fostering a Community

Audience input directly shapes the content Bianca shares through her platforms. “I absolutely let my followers shape my channel because they’re the ones watching,” Bianca explains. Relying on subscriber questions and requests allows Bianca to tailor videos to viewer needs even a decade into creating content. “What do you want me to review next? What questions do you have? And I base everything off of them,” says Biancaabout sourcing ideas. When creativity runs dry or new launches are lacking, Bianca polls her audience about lingering hair care struggles they face. The feedback loops into the next weeks’ video ideas.

Even with a backlog of content ideas, Bianca makes engaging with new products exciting for her loyal viewers. “I genuinely get excited when there’s a new launch of a product I want to know about,” she asserts. If affordable options or ingredient lists pique Bianca’s interest, she eagerly shares her honest thoughts while testing. Entertaining subscribers with humor during reviews keeps the learning process enjoyable. “I also like to keep my content really fun because I know you’re learning how to do your hair and learning something cannot always be fun,” Bianca remarks.

Carefully vetting collaborations and sponsors also distinguishes Bianca as an authority consumers trust. “I don’t just say yes to every brand deal that comes in. It has to meet my standards,” Biancaexplains. After reviewing countless products over the past decade, Bianca only features items with formulation and ingredients that align with her criteria. She turns down offers failing to meet guidelines for ingredients, safety and efficacy her subscribers value. “I will say no to brands that are  making products with ingredients that I know my followers won’t  like,” says Bianca. The selective partnership approach resonates with her audience amidst the crowded sponsorship space.

Accessibility and options guide Bianca’s product recommendations spanning various budgets. She balances affordable drugstore finds with indulgent splurges in videos. “I know my audience has a different range of budget, so I like to give options, whether it’s a $5 product or $25 product,” Bianca details. Beyond cost, formulas free from sulfates, parabens and silicones make the cut along with available local and online. By catering to diverse hair types and financial situations with thorough context, Biancaempowers viewers to find products fitting their lifestyles.

Staying engaged with her community remains a priority amidst a bustling content schedule. “I always like to respond with as much as I can,” says Bianca about making time for comments and messages. Raffle giveaways, meet and greets, and consistent interaction reinforce the relationships behind every view and subscribe.

Looking ahead in 2024

Looking ahead, Bianca aims to progress curly hair education and community through new platforms. She recently collaborated on the inaugural CurlyCon LA, the first Los Angeles convention celebrating naturally curly hair. “Everyone had an amazing time, and they said that they hadn’t been in a room where they could look around and not feel like they’re different, because everybody in the room had curly hair,” Bianca relays about the groundbreaking event’s reception. She hopes to continue shaping CurlyCon programming and envisions the concept expanding across the country.

Additionally, Bianca is developing an educational initiative named Curls University to share expert-level intel for all curl types. “Learning how to do your hair is like going to school. you have so much to learn. There’s levels,” says Bianca, motivating the idea. By covering specialized topics across beginner to advanced, Bianca aims to elevate the landscape of curl care instruction.

For aspiring influencers embarking on their own online journeys, Bianca stresses finding a unique angle and committing fully to regular content creation. “My advice would be your 

“why”? hy should we care about your channel?” Bianca poses. In a saturated social media space, identifying a viewpoint that resonates is key according to Bianca. Whether humor, ingredient analysis, demographic representation or a completely fresh perspective, niche focus builds authentic communities.

Once an engaging theme is cemented, Bianca cautions creators to evaluate if they can uphold a steady stream of posts. “Don’t just do it because you want to be a YouTuber and you want free product,” warns Bianca to deter dabblers. “Are you actually able to commit?” she questions. Bianca breaks down platform expectations, advising at least weekly YouTube videos, daily TikToks and regular Instagram posts. With realistic volume goals based on channel choice, aspiring influencers maximize chances for traction.

By melding education with entertainment around the curly community, Bianca Renee cultivated an authoritative voice many tune into weekly. What began as impromptu hair tutorials timed with shifting internet trends grew into a full-fledged career over the past decade. Now looking ahead, Bianca continues advocating for embracing curls through new events, digital education and consistent content celebrating natural hair in all its unique glory.


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