Friendship makes the world go round ⋆ The Teenager Today – Jarastyle Teen’s

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Friends are worth their weight in gold, so go ahead and tell your bestie how much he/she means to you! As we celebrate Friendship Day this month, we will look at some iconic friendships from our favourite books. Maybe, one day, the triple ice cream cones you sponsored for all your friends as a birthday treat will be etched in the pages of history!

Illustration of Sophie and the Big Friendly GiantIllustration: © Rama Ramesh

Roald Dahl and the ‘gloriumptious’ friendships

From Matilda to The BFG, there are some truly splendiferous books that Roald Dahl wrote, and the one thing that stands out in many of the stories: the friendships. Matilda was lucky to have found the gentle and lovely Ms Honey, a teacher-turned-friend. Danny might live an unusual life in a van, but the friendship he enjoyed with his father is the stuff of dreams. But Sophie hit the jackpot when she befriended the very large and very friendly giant who turns her life around! You’re never too old to read a book by Roald Dahl


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