Frequently Asked Questions About B2B Tour Operators Jarastyle travel

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Frequently Asked Questions About B2B Tour Operators Jarastyle travelPhoto by Anthony DELANOIX

For anyone who considers themselves as a “free spirit”, a lover of multiculturalism and constant exploration, an endless wanderer, working in the tourism industry wouldn’t be a surprise. Although, while it is a very creative occupation that also can enrich your knowledge, and definitely most suitable than other ones, it can be stressful and challenging from times to times, during specific times of the year.

As happens with any sales/marketing services, we observe two different parties, that of B2C which is most probably the one we interact the most with as individuals, but also B2B. If you have consideration in starting a career in the tourism industry and seeking for a relative working position, you should at first be informed:

  • What I am expected to do as a B2B Tour Operator?

B2B, stands for Business-to-Business. Which simply means that your services will not be provided directly to the public, rather than negotiating and booking deals with third parties. To start with, B2B is the abbreviation used for Business-to-Business sales, which means that a company sells services to other companies. You handle a bunch of logistics and communicate with suppliers or transportation services, in order to create a package to sell to other businesses of the filed.

  • Which exactly can I provide as accepting the role?
  • Unique travel routes  : Exclusive all-inclusive packages (personalized transportation, high-end accommodation, customized activities)
  • Dealing with Suppliers: This includes literally any deal what third party suppliers, shipping/airline companies, hotels, certified tour guides) .
  • Campaigns : For a product to be successful on the market, it has to be easy to be understood and handled. Support your client-business to promote your package accordingly to its quality, providing them with all the information and content material needed.
  • Why would someone choose to work with a B2B Tour Operator?

Working with a b2b tour operator is undoubtedly beneficial, and below you can find the 3 most important advantages:

  • Deep Knowledge: You are a professional with access to numerous insights, able to provide any kind of guidance requested, related to potential destinations, suppliers, as also the latest travelling trends.
  • Results: You are just more efficient than them trying to coordinate the whole thing. It is you that has established well-founded relationships with the third-party services, making it easier to achieve better deals. This way, they have more time available to focus on efficient selling techniques.
  • Monitoring: You provide the highly important feeling of steadiness, through your support and tracking of the process and its results. This kind of feeling creates a bold foundation for smoother relationships with their own clients.

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