Enso Supergreens Review – Veggies Don’t Bite – Jarastyle

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A green and white greens powder bag sitting on the palm of a hand holding it up.

A registered dietitian nutritionist put Enso Supergreens to the test in this comprehensive review! The pros and cons of this nutrient-dense greens powder.

A hand holding a green and white package of greens powder on their palm with a white background.

This post was sponsored by Enso Supergreens but the content and opinions expressed are fully my own.

In this review, we focus on one greens powder, Enso Supergreens. But you can also find more info about other greens powder brands and how they help!

Andrea Soares RD, CSSD, is a registered dietitian nutritionist who reviewed Enso Supergreens and gave her professional opinion as to how it stacks up!

As I sit here sipping on my superfood smoothie – with a delightful green tint from added Supergreens – I’m reminded of why I became a registered dietitian nutritionist: To dig into the science of nutrition and help my clients understand when something is a passing fad, a bogus claim, or is truly a dietary must-have.

So, when greens powders became the new craze, I knew I needed to get to the bottom of the science. And while research is still developing in this market, we do know for certain that plants are some of the healthiest foods we can include in our diet.

In this Enso Supergreens review, I sort through the pros and cons of this nutrient-dense greens powder to see how its ingredients stack up, where it could be better, and what I find exceptional.

Enso Supergreens Main Takeaways

  • Enso Supergreens contains over 20 organic superfood ingredients in addition to digestive enzymes and 5 billion CFUs probiotics.
  • The green powder has a slightly sweet, minty flavor without the heavy grass aftertaste.
  • Supergreens goes through many steps to ensure the product is clean, safe, and without contamination.

What is Enso Supergreens?

What it is

Enso Supergreens is an organic greens powder made up of a variety of superfood plants that are dehydrated and ground into a very fine powder. It was developed to help people get the nutrients needed when not consuming as many vegetables and plants as recommended.

Where it comes from

Founded by Haim Nigri, who has a passion for fueling the body with the best nutrition possible, Supergreens is part of the Enso Superfoods family of nutrient-dense plant formulas – all aimed at helping improve our health by filling in nutritional gaps left in our diet.

Supergreens, and all other Enso Superfood products, are manufactured in the United States.

What it claims

Enso Superfoods asserts that Supergreens helps to enhance your digestion, immunity, and energy.

Enso Supergreens Pros and Cons

At first glance, many greens powders look the same. It’s important to read the fine print to see how each set itself apart from the pack.

But sometimes it’s difficult to sort through all the jargon and hype to figure out if a product is a nutritional jackpot or a dud.

Here’s what it all means, broken down into Supergreens’ highlights as well as some downsides.

Enso Supergreens Highlights

Here is what I love about Enso Supergreens:

1. Enso Superfoods puts quality and safety first.

How can we tell?

First: The product is third-party tested. This means Enso sends the powder to an independent organization for quality control tests.

The third-party company ensures the product is not contaminated with heavy metals or other impurities, as well as certifies that the green powder meets all industry safety and quality standards.

Second: Enso Supergreens is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility. GMP stands for Good Manufacturing Practice and guarantees that the powder is produced at the highest quality standards. All GMP-certified facilities are FDA approved.

Finally: All superfood ingredients are organic. This means you’re getting all the great benefits of plants in your diet without a concentration of pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals.

2. Enso Supergreens doesn’t overpack its greens powder

How can we tell?

Many greens supplements try to pack a huge number of superfoods into their formula to help make their product look more appealing (think 35 or more!).

The problem with this strategy is that only a very small amount of each of those superfoods will end up in that one tiny scoop. It dilutes the potency.

Enso Supergreens contains a little over 20 different superfoods, allowing for a bigger concentration of each one per serving. This means there’s a better chance of us gaining nutritional benefits.

3. Supergreens includes abundant probiotics

How can we tell?

Research indicates that taking at least 5 billion CFUs (colony-forming units) of probiotics is much more effective than a lower dose. How much does Enso Supergreens have? 5 billion CFUs!

While there are a handful of other brands that hit this dosage, most other greens powders have much less, or don’t even tell you how many CFUs are present!

4. Nothing artificial added

How can we tell?

Supergreens is as pure and clean are you can get within the greens powder market. There are no added sugars, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, artificial flavors, fillers, preservatives, or other additives.

5. Taste and texture

This is the only subjective Supergreens highlight – everyone has their own idea of what tastes good and what doesn’t. But from my own perspective, it’s one of the better flavor profiles I’ve had when it comes greens powders.

The powder is ground very finely so you’re not left with a gritty, sandy texture. Nope, this one is smooth and easy to mix. The flavor is mint from peppermint leaves along with a hint of sweetness from monk fruit.

What I Wish Were Better About Enso Supergreens

No product is absolutely perfect (at least none that I’ve found so far!). I’ve broken down where I feel Supergreens could improve.

1. Packaging

I do like that Enso Superfoods has mostly shifted away from using so much plastic (Supergreens used to be sold in a larger plastic tub). The downside to these newer zip-top bags is that your hands (and sometimes counter!) get a bit messier.

2. Only sold on their website

Convenience is king! Wouldn’t it be great if all the products we loved were found on just one website?

Even though you can only purchase Supergreens on the Enso Superfoods’ website, the good news is that Enso offers a monthly subscription at a lower cost (plus a money-back guarantee and free shipping!).

So you just have to go through the rigamarole of purchasing once – then it’s at your doorstep every 30 days.

3. Proprietary blend

This means the company does not tell you how much of each superfood is in one serving, only the total amount of all superfoods. Some people contend that this doesn’t allow us to see whether effective doses of each plant are present.

While it would be nice to see exact amounts, this isn’t something I’m as concerned about. I’m looking at greens powders more as a way to boost your nutrient and antioxidant intake when life’s too busy to fit in all the veggies – not as an elixir to cure all that ails us.

If it brings us even more benefits, which many people report, that’s a fantastic bonus!


  • Organic Superfoods
  • 5 billion CFU probiotics
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Vegan
  • Gluten free, dairy free, soy free, nut free
  • Made in the USA
  • GMP Certified
  • Third-party tested
  • Caffeine free
  • Non-GMO
  • Easy to blend
  • No added sugar or artificial sweeteners
  • No fillers, colors, additives


  • Only available on their website
  • Currently only one flavor (as of May 2023)
  • Proprietary blend

Who Should Buy Enso Supergreens?

The short answer is: Anyone! If you feel your diet needs a boost or are interested in consuming vegetables and plants you normally wouldn’t eat very often, this greens supplement is for you.

Some super greens powder brands cater to specific populations, such as athletes. Enso Supergreens doesn’t have a target population but is rather a well-balanced greens powder that can be included in nearly anyone’s diet.

In fact, the product is vegan, gluten free, dairy free, soy free, and nut free – so even most people with dietary restrictions can take it.

With that said, always chat with your healthcare provider before including a new supplement, such as a greens powder, in your diet to ensure it’s right for you.

Who Should Not Buy Enso Supergreens?

People who are not ready to invest in their health. If you’re not ready to commit to enhancing your health and nutrition – and the slight costs you may incur (time, money, motivation) – you may not yet be ready to purchase a greens powder.

People who take certain medications. If you are on blood thinners or other similar medications, know that most greens powders likely have high doses of vitamin K, which may alter the effectiveness of your medication. Speak with your healthcare provider if you have questions.

People who are already taking high-dose vitamins and minerals. Be sure to check all other supplements you’re taking.

Enso Supergreens has a good variety of vitamins and minerals, and most of the amounts stay within healthy, normal ranges. However, if combined with other supplements as well as fortified foods such as breakfast cereals, nutritional/snack bars, etc, it could result in potentially unsafe doses of vitamins and minerals.

This is especially true of other greens powder formulations with outrageous micronutrients doses.

A glass of green juice on a counter next to a green and white bag of greens powder.

A woman in a red dress holding a glass with green juice and a straw in it.

Enso Supergreens Key Ingredients

Supergreens’ ingredient list is not as packed as some other greens powders, and I find this to be an advantage. It contains 20+ organic superfoods along with probiotics and digestive enzymes.

Let’s take a look at what’s included.

Blue-green algae and seaweed

Enso Supergreens contains:

  • Two blue-green algae: Spirulina and cracked wall Chlorella
  • Two seaweeds: dulse and kelp seaweeds.

While these ingredients don’t sound particularly appetizing, there are potent health benefits related to both types of marine plants.

Not only do all of these ingredients Blue-green algae may help lower blood pressure as well as blood sugar levels. Seaweed may help support thyroid function with its superb iodine content.

Vegetables and nutritional grasses

Get your greens!

Vegetables are like nature’s multivitamin – every type has a different array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. That’s why we dietitian nutritionists are plant pushers. The more you have, the better your health outcome.

Enso Superfoods contains several leafy greens, roots, and green vegetables including:

  • Broccoli, spinach, kale powder, dandelion powder, parsley leaf, peppermint leaf
  • Burdock root, ginger root, moringa leaf, nopal cactus, nettle leaf, horsetail

Nutritional grasses also have health benefits. They are packed with nutrients and some research has shown these plants may potentially improve blood pressure, immunity, inflammation, and even cholesterol levels.

Enso Supergreens includes four types of grass: barley grass juice powder, alfalfa leaf, oat grass, and wheat grass.


Probiotics are beneficial live bacteria (or yeasts) that live in your gut and help maintain the health of your body. Research indicates that not only do probiotics support digestion and gut health, but also a healthy immune system.

Enso Supergreens contains 5 billion CFUs (colony-forming units) of dairy-free probiotics. This is more than most other brands on the market, giving Supergreens a leg up on the competition.

5 billion CFUs has also been shown to be a more effective dose than lower amounts.

Digestive enzymes

Digestive enzymes help us to digest and absorb the foods we eat. And while our body usually makes enough, people who experience bloating and gas may benefit from taking more.

Enso Supergreens contains three plant-based digestive enzymes to help with gut health:

  • Papain from Papaya
  • Bromelain from Pineapple
  • Vegetable pepsin

Studies show that these particular enzymes may have additional benefits, such as having anti-inflammatory properties as well as providing some relief from symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Vitamins and minerals

All of these superfoods work together to provide at least 22 vitamins and minerals. Unlike other greens powders, Supergreens does not add synthetic vitamins to their formula.

The number of micronutrients helps show how nutrient-dense this green powder is.

One scoop of Enso Supergreens contains:

  • Between 10-19% of your daily value of vitamin B5 and mineral molybdenum
  • More than 20% of your daily value of vitamins A, C, B1, B2, niacin, B6, folate, and B12, as well as minerals iodine and chromium

Enso Supergreens Health Benefits

Research on greens powders is new and emerging. While more research is needed, Enso Supergreens may provide numerous health benefits simply due to its quality ingredients.

Delivers antioxidants and essential nutrients

With one scoop providing a plethora of micro- and phyto- nutrients, Enso Supergreens can help people get closer to their nutrient needs.

What’s potentially good about a super greens powder is that the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants it provides may be more efficiently absorbed and utilized by the body.

This is because research has found that phytonutrients and micronutrients within plants work synergistically, allowing for enhanced absorption.

May boost energy levels

Many consumers comment on how they can maintain healthy energy levels better once they start taking Ensō Supergreens.

This could be because research shows getting adequate vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants plays a role in helping reduce fatigue and stimulating better recovery.

May improve digestion and gut health

Helping to stimulate digestive health, Supergreens contains an effective dose of probiotics as well as digestive enzymes.

Other ingredients present in Enso Supergreens may also benefit gut health, including peppermint and ginger root.

Enso Supergreens Customer Reviews

According to Supergreens reviews, customers truly enjoy this product. Supergreens has 4.9 stars on the Ensō Superfoods website and 4.9 stars on Verified Reviews.

Customers often comment on the health benefits they’re noticing, how easily it blends with liquids, and its pleasant taste and texture.

The few negative reviews generally focus on how the packaging could be a bit better, how they wish there were other flavors, and how it’s often out of stock.

“I love this product. I feel like I have more energy after taking it consistently for a month. The taste is good no matter how I drink it. (in water, milk, or a smoothie) I look forward to drinking my green drink each day!” – Cynthia H.

“I noticed how soothing the Supergreens powder is for my gut the first day. I definitely think the digestive enzymes are improving my gut health. Prior to drinking Supergreens my norm was daily abdominal discomfort such as gas & bloating. I am very pleased with Enso Supergreens! I just feel better overall!” – Jennifer G

“Switched over from AG1. Tastes great. I’m relatively healthy so can’t really say I feel any different. I do it more as my daily vitamin routine as I’m over the hill (I’m old). If I could make one recommendation, put them in daily travel sizes. That bag sucks” – Bobby R.

“It’s hard balancing work and family! As parents to 3 young kids, we were looking for super greens to boost our immune system and help us get a daily dose of missing essential vitamins. We’ve been using Enso SG for 70 days with a noticeable improvement getting through Cold/Flu season.” – Dustin B.

Check out more Enso Superfoods reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions often come up! Here are some general questions and answers to help as you try to find the best greens powder to meet your needs.

What can you mix a greens powder with?

Greens powders can be mixed with any beverage, such as water, juice, or a smoothie. Enso Supergreens recommends adding to water or your favorite milk or milk alternative, such as almond milk, first thing in the morning.

Are greens powders good for you?

While whole vegetables, fruit, and other plants should be a mainstay in your diet, greens powders can help close your nutritional gap when your diet needs a boost. I recommend a supergreens powder with organic ingredients to help avoid added chemicals the body may react poorly to.

Do greens powders help with bloating?

They can, yes. As long as the super greens powder includes probiotics and digestive enzymes, while also avoiding ingredients that may make your symptoms worse (such as additives, fillers, and artificial ingredients) – a greens powder may help reduce bloating.

A photo of a signature saying Sophia with a blueberry as the letter O


Source link
Jarastyle – #Enso #Supergreens #Review #Veggies #Dont #Bite
Courtesy : https://www.veggiesdontbite.com/enso-supergreens-review/
