Emergence Of Influencer-Led Anti-Vape Campaigns  – Jarastyle Teen’s

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The Australian government is taking a proactive approach to fight off vaping and misinformation among young people by partnering with popular influencers across various platforms. This “influencer-led youth vaping campaign” aims to get through to individuals aged 14 to 20 and “spark a conversation with the next generation of Australians about the harms of vaping and nicotine addiction.”

Inside The Australian Government’s Vape Crackdown: Emergence Of Influencer-Led Anti-Vape Campaigns 

The campaign features a diverse group of influencers, including cricketer Ellyse Perry, gamer Jackbuzza, actor Ella Watkins, and comedians the Fairbairn brothers, who collectively have millions of followers on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitch.

Australian Health and Aged Care Minister Mark Butler acknowledges that social media is “awash with pro-vaping content,” which the government considers “misinformation cynically promoted and stoked by the vaping and tobacco industry.” 

The influencers involved already have the attention of many young Australians and are tasked with communicating the anti-vape messaging “in their own unique style and tone, communicating authentically about the harms and reasons not to vape,” he says.

Emergence Of Influencer-Led Anti-Vape Campaigns  - Jarastyle Teen'sEmergence Of Influencer-Led Anti-Vape Campaigns  - Jarastyle Teen's

Butler stresses the importance of reaching young people through channels they engage with. He is aware of the growing power of alternative media sources and social media. 

“It’s pretty clear that teenagers don’t watch TV or listen to Health Ministers, much as I might like them to, which is why we’ve partnered with influencers that young people listen to: from comedians, to sport stars and gamers, and everyone in between.”

The campaign is part of the Australian government’s efforts to crack down on vaping. While the selling, purchasing, and importation of nicotine vapes without a doctor’s prescription have been illegal since mid-2021, a loophole allowed the sale of disposable vapes labeled as nicotine-free.  It lasted until January 1, 2024, when the government declared all disposable vapes illegal, regardless of label disclosure. 

The second stage of the vape crackdown came into effect on March 1, 2024. As of this date, all importers must have therapeutic goods permits while adhering to tightened safety standards for legal, therapeutic, and prescription vapes. 

The phase advances with legislation against domestic manufacture, advertisement, supply, and commercial possession of non-therapeutic and disposable single-use vapes.

The influencers involved in the campaign have expressed enthusiasm for the initiative. “I’m excited to be supporting the Australian Government on the vaping education campaign and lending my voice to such a critical health issue,” Ellyse Perry has said. “As a professional athlete, I know that even occasional vape use would have significant consequences for both mental and physical performance on and off the field.”

Ella Watkins echoes similar sentiments, saying she’s “very vocal with friends and family about the negative physical and mental health effects of vaping,” and “really pleased to be joining this campaign and helping to spread such an important message to young Australians.”

The Australian government’s decision to leverage influencers’ reach and resonance with young audiences represents a novel approach to addressing the rising popularity of vaping among Gen Z. As the crackdown on vaping intensifies, these influential voices aim to counter misinformation and start a discourse on the potential harms of nicotine addiction.


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Jarastyle – #Emergence #InfluencerLed #AntiVape #Campaigns
Courtesy : https://www.netinfluencer.com/australia-influencer-led-anti-vape-campaigns/
