Easy Vegan French Toast – Veggies Don’t Bite – Jarastyle

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The big challenge of making any French toast recipe without eggs is getting a batter to give you the same result as one with eggs. You want it on the thicker side and be able to coat the bread for that crisp outside and softer middle.

Not only is this recipe for French toast eggless, but it’s also made without milk, well, the dairy kind anyway! Using only plant based ingredients means completely vegan French toast.

To get that, here is what I used for the mix that I dipped the bread in:

  • Dairy free milk
  • Ground flax seed
  • Almond flour
  • Maple syrup
  • Vanilla
  • Cinnamon
  • Sea salt

This makes the perfect bread dip and cooks up amazing!

Piles of pairs of bread pieces on a wooden surface surrounded by bowls of ingredients to make the dip.


Source link
Jarastyle – #Easy #Vegan #French #Toast #Veggies #Dont #Bite
Courtesy : https://www.veggiesdontbite.com/the-best-vegan-french-toast-recipe/
