Did Dorothy Land in Oz or on FBoy Island? – Jarastyle

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The similarities are uncanny.

Did Dorothy Land in Oz or on FBoy Island? - JarastylePhoto by Francisco Emilio Dia on Pexels

  1. Dorothy is greeted by an overwhelming number of enthusiastic men.
  2. Despite meeting her 2 seconds ago, they immediately become obsessed with her — some going so far as to proclaim she has “saved” them.
  3. In order to find what she’s truly looking for, Dorothy must follow her path and stay true to the course.
  4. She encounters several different men along the journey. They are deliberately ethnically diverse to emphasize that no one here is racist.
  5. A pretty blond pops up every so often to provide some direction about what’s going on.
  6. She meets a guy who instantly wants to confide a fault about himself — perhaps to garner sympathy? — and says that he doesn’t feel his intelligence level is on par with that of most others.
  7. But he can’t even hold himself up so he must be hammered, honestly, and Dorothy has to shake him to pull himself together. This whole self-loathing act could very well backfire.
  8. Just when she is starting to get comfortable with a dude, a new one is added to the mix.
  9. Unsurprisingly, one of the guys laments he doesn’t know how to love. There’s always one.
  10. Then, this supposed shell of a man demands “oil,” claiming it helps him become more relaxed. What is up with everyone needing a social lubricant in order to show true vulnerability?
  11. Dorothy and the men form close relationships on an accelerated timeline that would normally take weeks, or even months, to develop in the real world.
  12. A man with a luxurious head of hair that would look amazing in a man bun starts crying on her shoulder about his low self-esteem issues.
  13. However, he then proceeds to break into an original song he wrote about his anguish and seems pretty confident to her (is he just here to get famous?) so he’s really giving mixed messages. At least he’s not wasted.
  14. The group is put through several challenges, which incidentally help them to get to know each other better.
  15. There’s a huge mansion where a glam squad helps Dorothy prepare for an important evening ceremony.
  16. A new guy is added to this mix who talks a big game and hides behind his larger-than-life persona, but he is really quite insecure, so let that be a lesson for all of us.
  17. Dorothy eventually becomes exhausted and just wants to go home.

Sarah Hass is a writer based in San Francisco. She works in tech by day and also writes humor by day because we can work from home now. Find her on Instagram at @tacko_belle.

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Did Dorothy Land in Oz or on FBoy Island? - Jarastyle

Did Dorothy Land in Oz or on FBoy Island? was originally published in The Belladonna Comedy on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


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Jarastyle – #Dorothy #Land #FBoy #Island
Courtesy : https://thebelladonnacomedy.com/did-dorothy-land-in-oz-or-on-fboy-island-bcbc5400a7d3?source=rss—-e9e22d25fb5e—4
