Deserving Employee Asks For A Raise, So Boss Threatens To Replace Him With His Teenage Daughter – Jarastyle

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Have you ever found yourself working tirelessly for a boss who doesn’t seem to value your contributions or acknowledge your hard work? It can be demotivating and frustrating when you feel like you’re putting in your best effort but aren’t being recognized or compensated accordingly. Many employees have experienced this at some point in their careers, and it can leave them feeling undervalued and unappreciated.

Recently, someone on Reddit shared a story involving this very subject. An employee who works hard at efficiency asked their manager for a raise. The boss’ response was so rude, well, you should check the details for yourself.

employee asks for raise antiwork - teen on phone

employee asks for raise antiwork - new manager floating the idea

employee asks for raise antiwork - all platforms have grown exponentially

employee asks for raise antiwork - now I'm in a meeting to discuss a potential

Deserving Employee Asks For A Raise, So Boss Threatens To Replace Him With His Teenage Daughter - Jarastyle

Deserving Employee Asks For A Raise, So Boss Threatens To Replace Him With His Teenage Daughter - Jarastyle

Deserving Employee Asks For A Raise, So Boss Threatens To Replace Him With His Teenage Daughter - Jarastyle

Deserving Employee Asks For A Raise, So Boss Threatens To Replace Him With His Teenage Daughter - Jarastyle

employee asks for raise antiwork - edit: thank you for all the tremendous advice

employee asks for raise antiwork - I want to point out the social media management

employee asks for raise antiwork - specifically, the content we make has to be crafted

employee asks for raise antiwork - in terms of data and reporting

People in the comments offer sympathy, advice, and share similar experiences.

employee asks for raise antiwork - you may not have to do anything

employee asks for raise antiwork - larger companies that have policies around family

employee asks for raise antiwork - speaking as a social media marketing manager

employee asks for raise antiwork - start looking for a new job

employee asks for raise antiwork - i was the company's in-house graphic designer

employee asks for raise antiwork - speak to your director

employee asks for raise antiwork - these comments for the most part are revenge

employee asks for raise antiwork - let her have it then we can watch

employee asks for raise antiwork - dust off your resume and hit the road

employee asks for raise antiwork - check if there's a nepotism policy at your workplace

employee asks for raise antiwork - any leader who even mildly considers hiring a child

employee asks for raise antiwork - sure, harold, bring your daughter

employee asks for raise antiwork - i'd speak to both your director and manager

employee asks for raise antiwork - if it's a smaller shop then it could be trouble

employee asks for raise antiwork - give him and his daughter the job and let him fail

employee asks for raise antiwork - find a new job

employee asks for raise antiwork - yes, him directly.

employee asks for raise antiwork - speak to your director immediately

employee asks for raise antiwork - now that millennials are old

employee asks for raise antiwork - go over his head and say your manager is making threats

employee asks for raise antiwork - you need to go over this guy's head

employee asks for raise antiwork - stir the pot!


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Jarastyle – #Deserving #Employee #Asks #Raise #Boss #Threatens #Replace #Teenage #Daughter
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