Crocodile tries to steal buffalo kill from lions Jarastyle travel

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Crocodile tries to steal buffalo kill from lions Jarastyle travel

A crocodile tried to sneak up on a lioness and its cubs in an attempt to steal its buffalo kill in Kruger National Park

A visitor to Kruger, Rosa Swart, witnessed to scene fortunately for us, had her camera rolling. She shared her footage and story with Latest Sightings. 

The Shingwedzi River forms an integral part of the ecosystem in the heart of Kruger National Park. Incredible herds of buffalo and large prides of lions frequent this region,’ she said. ‘Comes as no surprise that one of the resident pride was able to take down a buffalo bull.’

‘The lionesses were clearly enjoying the rewards of a successful hunt. However, their feast was unexpectedly interrupted by a massive crocodile!’

The Crocodile proceeded across the bank straight towards the lions, who weren’t going to give up their meal that easy, refusing to back down.

It was a fierce standoff. The crocodile, on the other hand, did not want to give up either and kept trying to steal a bite or two from the kill.’

But it didn’t take long for the lioness to realise it had the upper hand on land

‘In the end, we had to leave the sighting. The crocodile peacefully taking a bite or two from one end of the buffalo, and the lionesses on the other end feeding. A tranquil end to a chaotic start.’

Watch this sighting below.

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