Choreplay Sexts From Middle-Aged Married People | by Shannon J Curtin | Aug, 2023 – Jarastyle

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Dave next door was totally checking out our lawn. Knowing that other people think about our grass…well, it’s a turn on.

Shannon J CurtinThe Belladonna ComedyPhoto by Gustavo Fring from

Mmm, baby I love the way you meal plan. Using Monday’s leftover roast chicken to make quesadillas on Wednesday? God, your ability to stretch a bird is so hot.

Have I mentioned how much I enjoy the edging? I knew you were going to mow today, but holy unexpected hotness. Dave next door was totally checking out our lawn. Knowing that other people think about our grass…well, it’s a turn on.

Babe! You unloaded the dishwasher and immediately loaded it again?! You know how much an empty sink gets me going.

I noticed you broke down all the Amazon boxes and stacked them by the recycling container instead of just tossing them into the garage. I hope you’re prepared to be ravaged. I watched all of those TikToks you sent me…the ones with romance book scene-reenactment. I have some ideas.

Did I ever tell you how hot you look washing the car? It’s like the sexy version of every opening scene in network primetime suburban dramas.

I can’t believe it. I opened the door and found you sitting there with completely…bare…countertops. Not a single piece of mail or errant water cup to sully the granite? Good lord, I don’t think I’ve ever come home to a sexier scene!

I have two words for you: Vacuum. Lines. Also, I got the playdough out of the rug.

You talked to the school and made sure our kids have the appropriate apparel for every day of the seven different spirit weeks they could possibly have this year?! Then I find out you put them into organized baskets in their closets? Have I been transported to Bridgerton? I burn for you.

I have two more words for you: Scheduled. Vasectomy. I’ve already checked our insurance coverage and made sure everything is in network. No mental load here, baby.

Enjoy your shower. Please take note of the lack of my hair in the drain. I’m pretty sure this is what Meatloaf was talking about not doing for love, and I do not wish to talk about it further. You may thank me in wordless ways after the kids are in bed.

Did I ever tell you how cute you look pulling weeds? Watching you rip up clover and crabgrass like some kind of Xena Gardening Princess? The hottest.

Honey, I know we’ve had a lot of pillow talk about it, and I hope you won’t be mad, but I did a lot of research and made the arrangement to bring another person into our bedroom twice a month. And our bathroom. And the rest of the house. The maid service starts Monday.

If you need me, I’ll be upstairs, I think it’s time to do that thing you always wanted me to do — -finally going through that random box of wires in our bedroom.


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