Breakfast for Plastic ⋆ The Teenager Today – Jarastyle Teen’s

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Bhaga Singh

‘Give us plastic waste, drink tea in return’, invites a tea stall near the famous Kumbhalgarh Fort in Rajasthan.

Bhaga Singh weighs the waste plastic he receives at his tea stall on his weighing machine. The 31-year-old vendor then offers tea and a samosa in a paper cup and plate to the customer in return for one kilo of waste plastic. By doing this, the chaiwala is making a humble initiative to make the area plastic-free. The waste plastic he collects is given to the waste collectors.

“I don’t do it for profit; but for a plastic-free Kumbhalgarh,” says the young man from Kelwara village. Located near the Aravalli Hills, Kumbhalgarh Fort has a 36 km long wall, said to be the second-longest wall after the Great Wall of China. The World Heritage Site attracts a large number of tourists who dump a lot of plastic. Bhaga’s village alone generates more than 2,000 kgs of waste every month, with 527 kgs of plastic alone.

Cover of the April 2023 issue of The Teenager Today featuring Prabhat Koli, the world's youngest oceans seven swimmer

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