Beauty Q of the Day: Do You Keep Your Regular Beauty Routine (Skin, Hair and Makeup) When You Take Summer Trips? – Jarastyle

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Beauty Q of the Day: Do You Keep Your Regular Beauty Routine (Skin, Hair and Makeup) When You Take Summer Trips? - JarastyleCamping and doing the bare minimum for beauty!

How good are you about keeping up your regular beauty routine when you’re on vacation?

These days, I pare everything down to the barest of essentials for skincare, hair and makeup.


For my face and body, I’ll do a double cleanse, moisturizer and sunscreen, and if I’m going to be out in the sun a lot, then all of those things will be very gentle — no active ingredients.

This was a lesson I had to learn the hard way, ahhh! I’ll never forget how angry my cheeks and lips were when I piled on a bunch of exfoliators and antioxidants when we were in Hawaii a few years ago. No more of that!


For makeup, it really depends on where we’re going. Say for instance, camping by the Russian River, which is what we did last weekend. I knew that I wouldn’t want to bother with putting on or taking off makeup, so I just left it all at home. I wore a hydrating lip balm and that was it!

But if we’re going on a trip where there may be a combo of outdoor things (like the beach) and indoor things (like dinner or a visit to a mall), then I’ll bring minimal makeup. I can get by with tinted moisturizer, brow pencil, mascara, eyeliner, a blush/bronzer duo and gloss.

Yup, I don’t even bother taking concealer on trips anymore, LOL!

I’m telling you, the last few years (especially 2020) changed me. I find that I’m so much happier getting by with a handful of makeup that I know and love.

I wonder sometimes if I’ll ever be the glam traveler that I used to be, but that’s another Beauty Q for another time. 🙂


OK, hair. So here’s what I’ve learned about growing out your grays and also having crazy @ss cowlicks that stick up at all angles: throwing your hair up in a funban or a ponytail becomes, well, challenging. When I do this, all the grays pop out along my hairline and I feel like it makes my face look severe.

So, if we’re doing a combo outdoor/indoor trip, I’ll do long, side-swept bangs that I blow out with a round brush. For the rest of my hair, I’ll curl a few pieces around my face with a large barrel curling iron.

If it’s anything in the woods like camping, then forget about it. I just put my hair back and live with the crazy, LOL! Or I throw a hat on.

This is all very different from what I used to do 10 years ago. I’d take the whole kit-and-caboodle with me wherever I went.

Isn’t it interesting how our beauty journey can sometimes take these crazy turns?

Anywho, let me know what you do these days. Do you keep your regular beauty routine when you take summer trips? Or do you do a modified, pared-down version of skin, hair and makeup?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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