Be a Channel of Blessings! ⋆ The Teenager Today – Jarastyle Teen’s

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On New Year’s Day, it is customary to visit religious places seeking divine blessings and praying for a year filled with happiness, success, and prosperity. We also approach our parents, elders, and teachers, seeking their blessings in the hope that the New Year will unfold with peace and contentment for us. As we step into the New Year, let us recognize that the same divine force resides within each of us. We are vessels of the divine, carrying the power to bless others and wish them good things. Wishing people well and expressing gratitude is a way of bestowing divine blessings upon them.

In the fast-paced world we inhabit, it is easy to forget the power of a simple act of wishing good things to happen in the lives of others. Imagine a world where we pause and imagine happiness and well-being for everyone in our thoughts and express these in words and actions. This good habit would uplift and transform us and those around us. We will experience immense happiness and boundless freedom flowing into our own life. So the art of blessing is reciprocal — a cycle of positive energy that returns to enrich our own existence.

Make it a habit in your life in the days to come. Start with a simple practice: consciously wish all the people you encounter in your daily life to have a happy and successful day. Be grateful to those who have shown you kindness and love. Similarly, wish good things for those who may not have treated you well in the past. Understand that everyone is on their journey, and your good feelings and wishes would serve as source of power and positive energy in them. You, too, will experience abundant inner peace and joy.

Expand this habit to those who accompany you in your daily life — wish maximum good for the driver, the commuters, and the conductors. Extend this towards those who work tirelessly to ensure the smooth functioning of our society — the policeman, the postman, the watchman, washerman, milkman, and the cleaners. Bless your school, college, hospital, your town, your governing bodies, and the business centres. Recognize the interconnectedness of all lives, and let your blessings create ripples of positive energy and goodness around you in this New Year!

As you step into the New Year, carry the awareness that you are a source of divine blessings. Let your thoughts, words, and feelings be imbued with the spirit of goodwill towards all creation. We have dedicated this issue of the TTT with articles to help you on this positive path that you can choose. Wish you all a year filled with abundant blessings and the transformative power of goodwill.

Be a Channel of Blessings! ⋆ The Teenager Today - Jarastyle Teen's

Vincent Carmel is the Chief Editor of The Teenager Today. He brings with him years of experience in working with young people. He was actively involved with the Indore-based Universal Solidarity Movement (USM) for over three years. A great lover of the North East, he was the Director of the North East Social Communications (NESCOM), organising motivational programmes for the youth of the region.


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