Are Lawmakers Cracking Down On OnlyFans Due To Its Controversial Content Spiraling Out Of Control? – Jarastyle Teen’s

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A Reuters investigation has prompted calls from U.S. and British lawmakers for stricter safeguards against online sexual exploitation on OnlyFans, the popular subscription-based platform for adults only. The investigation identified over 140 police complaints alleging nonconsensual pornography on the platform, Reuters reports.

Are Lawmakers Cracking Down On OnlyFans Due To Its Controversial Content Spiraling Out Of Control? - Jarastyle Teen'sAre Lawmakers Cracking Down On OnlyFans Due To Its Controversial Content Spiraling Out Of Control? - Jarastyle Teen's

Are Lawmakers Cracking Down On OnlyFans Due To Its Controversial Content Spiraling Out Of Control?

U.S. Representative Ann Wagner, who sponsored a 2018 law allowing victims to sue websites hosting abusive commercial sex acts, said these “findings confirm what my office has known for years: Americans are being sexually exploited on OnlyFans. Congress and federal law enforcement must do more.”

Through public records requests and court case reviews, Reuters uncovered 128 U.S. cases from January 2019 to November 2023 where adults claimed sexual content featuring them was posted on OnlyFans without consent. A Florida woman alleged her rape video was sold on the site, prompting a November 2022 lawsuit against OnlyFans under federal laws.

In the U.K., where OnlyFans is headquartered, 18 nonconsensual porn complaints involving the platform were documented. “Social media platforms have become a safe harbor for predators,” U.S. Senator Dick Durbin told Reuters, calling for greater accountability to protect victims.

“Rape victims – including children – are not only violated at the time of their assault, but they are victimized over and over again with the rapid spread of their abuse material online. Even worse, the platforms profit from this activity. That’s unacceptable.”

OnlyFans claims on its website that it’s building “the safest social media platform” in the world. CEO Keily Blair says the company is reviewing all content using human moderators and AI tools. However, the Reuters findings suggest gaps remain despite recently tightened consent verification procedures.

U.K. Parliament member Damian Collins stated Ofcom, Britain’s communications regulator, “should challenge the company based on this evidence.” He questioned OnlyFans’ ability to effectively monitor its platform given the company’s admission of not knowing how much adult content exists on the site.

Under the country’s new Online Safety Act, Ofcom can fine non-compliant platforms up to £18 million or 10% of global revenue. The regulator’s spokesperson confirmed prioritizing illegal online harms like sexual abuse and engaging with services like OnlyFans to improve protection measures.

Concerns extend beyond consent issues to OnlyFans’ paywall model restricting law enforcement’s ability to search for illegal content. Conservative MP James Bethell expressed skepticism about the platform’s security for legitimate porn sharing due to this barrier.

OnlyFans responded that it swiftly removes misused content, bans offending users, and cooperates with investigations. A company spokesperson told Reuters that “in the few examples where bad actors have misused our platform,” OnlyFans “removed the content swiftly, banned the user and actively supported investigations and prosecutions.” 

She added that the platform tightened its consent verification procedures in late 2022. However, the Reuters probe identified over a dozen nonconsensual porn complaints filed after that period.

The findings ignited calls from U.S. Representatives Wagner and Jennifer Wexton, Senators Durbin, and U.K. officials like Collins for greater accountability from OnlyFans and online platforms. As lawmakers evaluate tighter regulations, the impact on the platform’s creators remains uncertain due to the heightened priority for combating sexual exploitation.


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