Announcing My 2024 Run. With your support, I may even join a… | by Katie Brookoff | May, 2023 – Jarastyle

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Photo by Flipsnack on Unsplash

I am pleased to announce that I will be running in 2024.

As many of you know, I have a background of supporting public works such as sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian bridges by walking over them. I have used these strolls to greet constituents, to travel to and support local businesses, and to get enough steps in to make my smartwatch proud. However, I realize this is not enough. Or rather, my doctor has realized this is not enough. Which is why, in a little over six months, I commit to running. Not any specific distance or for any designated amount of time. But enough to warrant buying new expensive athletic shoes.

As some of you may remember, I ran four years ago — albeit only once and just for a few blocks. And when I ran, I said, through gasps of air while hyperventilating, that I would not stop until I reached my goals. My goals, of course, being to run an 11-minute mile and to have a notable presence on the Strava app. I have definitely gotten a start on accomplishing these goals, but I need more time. Which is why, next year, I will run again.

Many people are asking me — why now? I’d like to start out by saying that I am in no way committing to doing any form of exercise in the year 2023. But if the question is why do I see myself running in 2024, the answer is simple: In these divisive times, we face an array of pressing, important issues, from climate change to healthcare, from immigration to education, from war overseas to gun control. These are weighty, impactful issues, and I read online that a good way to deal with existential dread is, in fact, to focus on exercise. Which is why now is the time to run.

I do want to address a common concern I have been hearing, and that is that my age makes it difficult for some to believe I am even capable of running. And to that I say this: I am a realist. I’m not trying to race in high school cross country meets. I do not see myself qualifying for the Olympics or competing in marathons. But I know what I am capable of, and this may very well be the year I finish a 5K, albeit with a few prolonged walking breaks.

Every generation has faced a moment when they’ve had to take a stand. But sometimes, according to my PCP, standing up isn’t enough, particularly when it comes to maintaining mobility or building muscle strength. Which is why I will run.

I know this will not be easy. We will encounter many hurdles, and I want to be clear: I will not jump over them. Again, I am only committed to running, not joining a competitive track team.

As a species, we cannot stand still. We must move forward. And that is why, in 2024, I will be running.


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