Anime Explained — for people who don’t watch anime – Jarastyle

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Anime Explained — For People Who Don’t Watch Anime

by Ellen Liebenthal

Anime Explained — for people who don’t watch anime - JarastyleAnime Explained — for people who don’t watch anime - JarastyleAnime Explained — for people who don’t watch anime - JarastyleAnime Explained — for people who don’t watch anime - JarastyleAnime Explained — for people who don’t watch anime - JarastyleAnime Explained — for people who don’t watch anime - JarastyleCartoon by Ellen Liebenthal

Ellen Liebenthal is a cartoonist and writer based in New York. She has published three books, ‘Dan Harmon Please Hire Me,’ ‘A-Z of Cryptozoology’ and ‘Color Me Cryptid.’ She is on the board of the National Cartoonists Society as well as the President of their Manhattan Chapter. Her publications, character designs, fabric collections, and cartoons can be viewed through her website:

Anime Explained — for people who don’t watch anime - Jarastyle

Anime Explained — for people who don’t watch anime was originally published in The Belladonna Comedy on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


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