Always do Your Best ⋆ The Teenager Today – Jarastyle Teen’s

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Happy female student with hand in the airImage by Freepik

Many times we find ourselves caught in the trap of striving to be the best. We confuse ‘being the best’ with ‘doing our best’, and this subtle difference can lead to profound consequences. Striving to be the best often invites comparison, ego and a sense of competition that can result in struggles, instability, non-cooperation from others, and frustration. It creates a win-lose situation where someone must lose for someone to win.

In contrast, doing our best focuses on challenging our own capabilities, bringing out our full potential, and engaging in productive work with a positive frame of mind. It is about creating a win-win situation, not just for ourselves but also for those around us. Doing your best means being in a forward, active mode that is constantly refreshing and self-renewing.

So dare to challenge yourself to do your best in everything you choose to undertake. Give your full 100% to the task at hand each time. Break out of your comfort zone and empower yourself to go full throttle, putting all of your potential into action.

Cover of the February 2024 issue of The Teenager Today featuring cricket players belong to various IPL cricket teams.

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Always do Your Best ⋆ The Teenager Today - Jarastyle Teen's

Ravindra Singh is a management professional, trainer, personal development coach and business consultant with over four decades of work experience in the corporate sector at senior positions. He is also author of the book Success Is Yours – Go For It.


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