Advice for Group Travel Jarastyle travel

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Life’s best moments are better when shared with those around us. As such, travelling as a group and making new memories can be absolutely fun.

However, group travel requires proper planning and careful consideration. After all, a successful group trip does not just happen on its own.

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Credit: Felix Rostig / Unsplash

Here is some advice to consider when travelling as a group:

Always plan ahead

Unlike solo adventures, group trips require a lot more co-ordination. Thus, planning ahead is of utmost importance. This will help you secure the best deals on your bookings such as accommodation, activities and flights. Planning ahead will also ensure unison within the whole group. After all, planning late may mean limited spots, resulting in other group members taking a different flight or having to stay at a different hotel.

Be considerate of budgets  

Discussing budgets is helpful. It ensures that all members of the group are on the same page when it comes to the kind of experiences which are expected on the trip. If you would like to splurge and some members of the group are not able to, try to find a group activity that will be equally as fun but more accommodative and budget-friendly. Another option would be to schedule your preferred splurge activity into your alone time.

Clear communication

Clear and honest communication goes a long way.  It also makes planning and decision-making a whole lot smoother. Through clear communication, you can ensure that everyone’s needs and interests are taken into consideration.  

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Credit: Chang Duong / Unsplash

Embrace differences

A group would normally consist of people from different walks of life. You are likely to encounter people of different ages, cultures and backgrounds. View these differences as an opportunity to be open-minded, as well as to learn more and broaden your knowledge. Different members will also most likely have different interests and food choices. Be sure to take these differences into account as much as possible.

Schedule in some alone time

Although being part of a group has its multiple benefits, scheduling in some ‘me’ time is actually very important.

Taking some time out to be alone is necessary to replenish your energy so you can return to the group with more good vibes to give. How your alone time looks like is completely up to you. You can take a nap, go for a swim, journal or simply soak up the environment on your own.

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Credit: People Images / iStock

Remember that the end goal is to enjoy

At the end of the day, each member of the group has one goal in common: to have fun. Keep this in mind throughout the trip. There may be a few dull moments and perhaps a disagreement or two. Deal with this as quickly and peacefully as possible, so you can get back to having fun and making memories.

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