A Close Look At Food Content Creation & Kerry’s Tips For Other Creators – Jarastyle Teen’s

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Kerry of Kerryout_delivery, is an Arlington-based food influencer, digital creator, and food photographer. Kerry, a healthcare consultant, has over 10,000 followers on her account, and she has nearly three and a half years of experience as a content creator.

After moving from a small town to a metropolitan area, she was thrilled to explore the food scene, and she began writing reviews and posting her food photos on Yelp. Her boyfriend encouraged her to make a food Instagram to document and share her food adventures, which is when she launched Kerryout_delivery.

A Close Look At Food Content Creation & Kerry’s Tips For Other Creators - Jarastyle Teen's

She shares, “My love of food and desire to try out different cuisines inspired the creation of Kerryout Delivery. There is so much joy in having a good meal. I also love food content creation because it allows me to flex those creative muscles. From eating the food to capturing the content and editing the content, I love it all. Being a food content creator has also allowed me to connect with and help small businesses and restaurants, and that has been really positive and impactful.”

Kerry’s Content Services

Kerry offers different services, including creating content for businesses’ social media platforms and promoting restaurants and businesses through her Instagram channel. Her most popular service is the latter for those that want her to feature a product or menu items on her Instagram. 

She shares, “I’ll visit a restaurant to capture content for my page, taking photos, taking videos for make reels, and have that kind of collaboration to feature on my Instagram page. Restaurants can also co-host a giveaway on my page. Some other things that I do include content creation, for example, if you are a business and you just want pictures on your website.”

Kerry adds that she has also offered different social media packages and even social media management services. She has experience managing social media platforms for restaurants

How Kerry’s Personal Experiences Have Influenced Her Approach to Food and Content Creation

Kerry shares, “As an Vietnamese-American, at home my mom’s cooking was based in fish sauce, lemongrass, fresh herbs, Thai chili – the Vietnamese essentials. However, I grew up in an area where there was a lack of diverse dining options. I knew I loved the flavor profile of Vietnamese food, and I was very eager to explore other types of cuisines. Different countries have their own unique way of approaching cuisines, from the way food is salted to the way it is presented. I have always been interested in new culinary experiences. Variety is the spice of life!”

Kerry shares that she loves to highlight Asian and Asian-inspired food and Asian-American restaurants and showcase unique foods in her content. 

She also approaches her content artistically and stresses that for her, quality is equally important to her than quantity. 

Content Evolution

Like all creators, Kerry’s content has evolved over time, especially as she has learned how to refine her photography and video creation skills. Kerry’s main focus has been creating high quality content with both her trusted camera and iPhone. Kerry shares that it is all about creating content that looks appetizing and keeps the user engaged.

 Kerry shares that growing her audience was about building community and elevating her voice through her food content. 

A Close Look At Food Content Creation & Kerry’s Tips For Other Creators - Jarastyle Teen's

Kerry explains, “Content creators kind of work together to lift each other up. You have to focus on your own voice and putting out content that you are happy with and aligns with your vision. Within this social media space of different content creators, if I were just a casual user on Instagram, it would be who should I follow?” Because there are so many to choose from, you just have to be yourself, let your voice shine through your page, and see if people resonate with that.”

Kerry’s Tips for Other Creators on Growing & Avoiding Burnout

One of her biggest tips is trusting the process and being authentic with your content and personality online because that is what people will end up vibing with. 

Kerry works full-time in consulting, the majority of her content creation occurs on weekends and occasionally after work. She also heavily considers how close restaurants are to her because travel can take a lot of time out of her already busy schedule. While it is a balancing act, she loves what she does.

She shares, “I highly recommend creative rest. When you come back into it you’ll be feeling refreshed when creating content. I think being too much into it [creating content] can be exhausting… I would say consistency is key and breaks are important intermittently.” 

Kerry sets aside time during her workday to stay active on Instagram stories and post content. 

She also batches content on the weekend and then spends the rest of the week compiling, editing, and posting the content. Creating an archive of backup content for when you’re pressed for time and scrambling to create content is another time management tip she uses. 

Brand Projects

As a food content creator, there are many opportunities for brand collaborations, whether visiting a restaurant, or food content creation at home. 

One of Kerry’s recent collaborations was with a Vietnamese pho delivery service. 

Kerry shares, “This one was particularly interesting because I’m Vietnamese, and I was super excited to work with this small, Vietnamese-owned business. I appreciated that we could connect on that level and showcase his products, especially because from the lens of how can we innovate Vietnamese food? I thought that was super cool. The pho was super high quality and made with a lot of love.”

She created a short reel for this project, but the time behind the short video was immense as she styled the pho and took her editing and styling skills to the next level while capturing the content. 

The Future of Food Content Creators 

Kerry believes that the future of food content creators will only go up from where it is now. 

A Close Look At Food Content Creation & Kerry’s Tips For Other Creators - Jarastyle Teen's

“I do foresee a larger role in social media marketing in general, whether that be for restaurants, or general product advertising. In this page of social media, people turn to Instagram and TikTok for food and travel recommendations. Even if social media platforms shift, content creators will follow and adapt.”

Other trends Kerry notices is the introduction of AI in the content creation and general social media space.There are numerous applications of AI, including enhancing the process of creative content creation, improving content quality. She shares that it will be both interesting and exciting to see where it goes. 

What’s Next for Kerry

In the future, Kerry wants to showcase more of her day-to-day life in her content and what she’s up to when she’s not dining out at restaurants. 

She shares, “Giving my audience more insight to a day in the life of Kerry is something I’ve always wanted to do. I would also like to develop a food blogging component to my website, where I share my musings about food and dining!”


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Jarastyle – #Close #Food #Content #Creation #Kerrys #Tips #Creators
Courtesy : https://www.netinfluencer.com/kerry-of-kerryout-delivery/
