Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) – Jarastyle

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We love a solid wholesome Twitter thread here at Pleated-Jeans. Whenever we come across one, we try to share it because the world needs more stuff like that.

Kurt Vonnegut was a famous author known for novels such as Slaughterhouse-Five, Breakfast of Champions, and many others.

In 2006, when an English teacher at Xavier High School asked her students to write letters to famous authors for advice, the only one to respond was Kurt Vonnegut. Although the letter is from 2006, the words still ring true to this day, and it resonated with people on Twitter.

This is sound advice we should all take care to internalize.

1. The thread begins (1/1)

Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


Twitter Reacts To Author’s Wholesome Life Advice To High School Students (18 Tweets) - Jarastyle


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Jarastyle – #Twitter #Reacts #Authors #Wholesome #Life #Advice #High #School #Students #Tweets
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