The Making of a Sports Genius ⋆ The Teenager Today – Jarastyle Teen’s

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The Making of a Sports Genius ⋆ The Teenager Today - Jarastyle Teen's

There was a time when games like fencing and boxing were considered a male preserve. There was a strong belief that women’s bodies were too frail for boxing. The decision to grant recognition to boxing at Olympic events inspired many enthusiastic girls to make a foray into a sport that previously discouraged combat sports as a career. A major credit for promoting modern sports is the initiative of internationally-modelled schools, which have transformed the sports landscape.

Fencing is a combat sport that features sword fighting. The three disciplines of modern fencing are the foil, the épée and the sabre; each discipline uses a different blade, which shares the same name and employs its own rules. Most competitive fencers specialize in one discipline.

A frail-looking girl from Nagpur who has defied the age-old myth that girls can’t be successful sportspersons is Juveria Ali. It is a rare coincidence that a girl from a conservative community has overcome compelling odds to emerge on the combative landscape as a bright comet. In February 2023, the youngster bagged a silver medal at the Maharashtra State Level Fencing Competition in Bhandara.

In the nascent arena of women’s combat sports, fencing will always remain Juveria’s first love. She has been training since she was 13 years old.

Cover of the April 2023 issue of The Teenager Today featuring Prabhat Koli, the world's youngest oceans seven swimmer

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