Cat Lady Things and Thoughts – Jarastyle

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Cat Lady Things and Thoughts - Jarastyle

  1. Rosie has a mysterious benefactor! Someone slipped a can of Fancy Feast in my mailbox yesterday. Does this mean that I’ve officially reached iconic cat lady status? Maybe?
  2. Rosie’s new favorite place to fall asleep at night is right next to my head. She presses her tiny little body right up against my hair, so her purring practically enters my brain, ha ha ha!
  3. Cat Lady Things and Thoughts - Jarastyle

  4. I found a new-to-me artist called Snakes and Roses on Instagram who creates beautiful, old timey style art that combines cats with mystical elements. A few of my favorites:
  5. I read a story recently about a mom with a young child who’s daughter had a hard time getting ready for school in the morning. Her daughter would fight her every step of the way, from getting out of bed, to changing, eating breakfast, etc. One day, out of the blue, the mom decided to turn herself into a cat, LOL!
    Kitty cat costumeHere kitty kitty…

    As “Meow-Meow the cat,” she would offer to help her daughter make her bed, pick out her clothes for the day, etc., and for some reason, the small act of turning into cat made her daughter willing and receptive! I’m going to try this the next time Connor is having a tough time.

    Moral of this story: when thing get rough, go feline.

  6. It’s been so long since I’ve rocked a proper cat eye. A big part of it is because my lids have changed shape so much in the last few years; they’re really hooded now, and finding a cat eye look that suits this recent evolution of my face has been very challenging.
    2 blue cat eyelinerMeow

    I was looking in the mirror last night and making funny faces just for the heck of it (please tell me I’m not the only person who does this).

    I noticed that my skin moves and pulls in ways that it didn’t used to. I always try to remind myself that today is the youngest I’ll ever be for the rest of my life, but still… It’s weird getting older.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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