Ex-Boss’s Desperate Texts To Employee They Fired, To Cover Shifts, Leads To Epic Fail – Jarastyle

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Have you ever been in a job that you found unfulfilling? Well, one Redditor was in a similar position, but that’s not the interesting part.

As Easter approached, they were asked if they’d cover shifts for their coworkers, and what happened next will leave you stunned. After the employee refused they were subsequently fired.

A few days after being fired, the company asked the employee to come back, but they demanded significant compensation, which the company deemed unreasonable due to them not having kids.

This exchange prompted an epic rant in the r/antiwork subreddit, prompting readers to roast their boss in the comments.

Here’s how everything played out after the fired employee refuses to cover shifts:

Ex-Boss's Desperate Texts To Employee They Fired, To Cover Shifts, Leads To Epic Fail - Jarastyle

Ex-Boss's Desperate Texts To Employee They Fired, To Cover Shifts, Leads To Epic Fail - Jarastyle

Ex-Boss's Desperate Texts To Employee They Fired, To Cover Shifts, Leads To Epic Fail - Jarastyle

Ex-Boss's Desperate Texts To Employee They Fired, To Cover Shifts, Leads To Epic Fail - Jarastyle

Ex-Boss's Desperate Texts To Employee They Fired, To Cover Shifts, Leads To Epic Fail - Jarastyle

In an update, OP added details for clarification:

Ex-Boss's Desperate Texts To Employee They Fired, To Cover Shifts, Leads To Epic Fail - Jarastyle

Their story sparked quite a reaction from readers in the comments section.

Ex-Boss's Desperate Texts To Employee They Fired, To Cover Shifts, Leads To Epic Fail - Jarastyle

Ex-Boss's Desperate Texts To Employee They Fired, To Cover Shifts, Leads To Epic Fail - Jarastyle

Ex-Boss's Desperate Texts To Employee They Fired, To Cover Shifts, Leads To Epic Fail - Jarastyle

Ex-Boss's Desperate Texts To Employee They Fired, To Cover Shifts, Leads To Epic Fail - Jarastyle

Ex-Boss's Desperate Texts To Employee They Fired, To Cover Shifts, Leads To Epic Fail - Jarastyle

Ex-Boss's Desperate Texts To Employee They Fired, To Cover Shifts, Leads To Epic Fail - Jarastyle


Source link
Jarastyle – #ExBosss #Desperate #Texts #Employee #Fired #Cover #Shifts #Leads #Epic #Fail
Courtesy : https://pleated-jeans.com/2023/04/19/fired-employee-refuses-to-cover-shifts/
