35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes – Jarastyle

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Home, the sacred space where we seek solace, relaxation, and a respite from the chaos of the outside world. It’s where we create memories, find comfort, and build our lives. However, as much as we cherish our homes, they sometimes have a knack for testing our patience. From quirky design choices to malfunctioning appliances, we’ve all experienced those infuriating aspects of our living spaces that make us want to tear our hair out.

In this post we’re letting folks vent about these things in their homes that make them irate. I hope it proves to be as cathartic for you as it was for me. God damn, that door handle in the belt loop makes me want to scream every time.

1. I feel like this happens to me more often than it should.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleCryOky

2. House sitting for uncle. Reached the final boss of the game “unfamiliar shower controls”

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleGundoSkimmer

3. Turns out my “thermostat” is actually just hanging on a nail and doesn’t control the temperature whatsoever. Shout out to the best landlords ever.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastylebatlex

4. Sitting under this “vent” all summer wondering why I wasn’t getting any cooler….

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastylestudiojiggly

5. The image speaks for itself.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleCricketMeson

6. I’m doing renovations and my Roomba found a tiny piece of sheetrock.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleAStrangerSaysHi


35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastyle

8. My father forgot to tell me the renovations would be taking the stairs out today.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastylemurderously-funny

9. Somehow, I managed to go 5 blissfully ignorant stair-traversing years without noticing.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleOmniscientTexan


35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastyle

11. The cable guy installed the cable through our hula hoop that we left out.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastylereddit.com

12. How stupid can you be?

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastylexedox7

13. Woke up and saw my door removed by my parents. I asked them “why?” And the replied with “privacy isn’t necessary”

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleMadaraJaeger_69

14. After 8 hours of class everyone comes back to the dorm only to find new locks and finger scanners on the doors and none of the staff know the codes or how we can get into our rooms :/

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleCraft-Which

15. Our landlord keeps saying there’s nothing wrong with our shower…

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleCheddar18

16. Can you feel the heat of my fury?

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleLinorelai

17. The door on this house.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleHoarselyoutgrow986

18. The door I had to get through last night to get to my room.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastyleswimingle

19. This.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastylechefmacari

20. You guys hate carpet in the bathroom? I can one up that. My parents have a bathroom with carpet that goes up the bathtub walls! Bonus points for the terrible wallpaper.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastylejbird2525

21. Removing a cheap mirror glued to the wall, only to find an even cheaper mirror glued to the wall beneath it.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastylemusicalvoyyeur

22. These lights switches in my parents’ house.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastylethrowawaycanadian

23. My family is a bunch of psychos.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastylebob-eater-of-pizza

24. To the person with 3/4 outlet. I present my apartments 1/3 outlet.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleYggdrasil5218

25. So I just bought this chair and none of the reviews mentioned this.. 😩

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastylemilksteaku

26. The sun has travelled roughly 150,000,000 Kilometers to reflect off a car windshield through a small crack in my blinds to shine directly in my face.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleSkarsgarde

27. I live with two grown men. Just tell me why.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastylelovelymoondrops

28. A lovely paint job.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleScaulbylausis

29. Sunlight through the window melted my keyboard.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastylethecheesycheeselover

30. All three of these lights are off.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleCerryTrews

31. My brother’s girlfriend moved in with us, and she refuses to use cutting boards. This is what our kitchen table looks like now. They’re all over it.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastyleurinternetmom

32. I think my stairs fit here.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleIsItKandar

33. Woke up this morning to my light full of water. Our apartment is brand new.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastyleeuphoricbirthdaycake

34. I am forced to look at this every time I get up.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - Jarastylerwhereemy

35. I hate it.

35 People Share The Most Infuriating Things They Hate About Their Homes - JarastyleMrmattgyver


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Jarastyle – #People #Share #Infuriating #Hate #Homes
Courtesy : https://pleated-jeans.com/2023/05/11/people-share-things-they-hate-about-their-homes/
