Famous First Lines of Novels, Updated to Drive More Clicks – Jarastyle

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Famous First Lines of Novels, Updated to Drive More Clicks - Jarastyle

  • Gregor Samsa awoke from a night of troubled dreams transformed into WHAT?!
  • It was a bright, cold day in April, and you won’t believe what time the clocks were striking!
  • It was the best of times. What it also was will shock you!
  • LIST: Eleventy one birthdays celebrated by Bilbo Baggins! The eleventy-first has a party of special magnificence!
  • Illiterate people hate him! You don’t know who this boy is without you have a read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer!
  • My father gave me some advice in my younger and more vulnerable years. What it was has me turning it over in my mind ever since!
  • What there was no possibility of taking that day will shock you!
  • It was a pleasure to WHAT?!
  • LIST: One child who doesn’t grow up! Number One will amaze you!
  • You won’t believe what happened, more or less!
  • People who want to hear what his lousy childhood was like and how his parents were occupied all that David Copperfield crap hate him! This boy doesn’t feel like going into it!
  • You better not never tell nobody but WHO?!
  • Too far? This boy is named Eustace Clarence Scrubb
  • Colonel Aureliano Buendia was facing the firing squad; What he remembered next will shock you!
  • LIST: Two kinds of family! You won’t believe which one is all alike!
  • You’ll never guess what this sailor wants you to call him!
  • Single men in possession of a good fortune hate her! This one, weird trick identifies who’s in want of a wife!
  • You won’t believe whose wishes ships at a distance carry on board!
  • LIST: 84 days this old man went without taking a fish! Number 38 will blend in with the rest!
  • A vague, bureaucratic apparatus hates him! Without really doing anything truly wrong, Josef. K is arrested!
  • Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came bearing WHAT?!
  • You’ll never guess what comes across the sky!
  • What Marley was to begin with will shock you!
  • Will I turn out to be the hero of my own life, or will that station be filled by anybody else? These pages must show!
  • I am a sick man. I am a wicked man. You won’t believe what I think about my liver!
  • LIST: 300 houses. Number 123 is spiteful, full of a baby’s venom!
  • rivverrun? This one weird trick brings us past Eve and Adam’s, from swerve of shore to bend of bay, by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs!
  • A queer and sultry summer? This woman doesn’t know what she’s doing in New York! What happened to the Rosenbergs will shock you!
  • White people hate him! This man’s one weird trick makes people see only his surroundings, themselves, or figments of their imagination; indeed, anything and everything except him!
  • You won’t believe who was the shadow of the waxwing slain by false azure in the windowpane!
  • No alternative? You’ll never guess what the sun shone on!
  • Mother did WHAT today?!



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Jarastyle – #Famous #Lines #Novels #Updated #Drive #Clicks
Courtesy : https://www.pointsincase.com/lists/famous-first-lines-of-novels-updated-to-drive-more-clicks
