Employee Take HR Survey And Gives The Blunt Answers We Wish We All Could – Jarastyle

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In the modern workplace, employee satisfaction and well-being have become increasingly important to organizations striving to create a positive work environment. Human Resources (HR) departments often play a pivotal role in gauging employee happiness and identifying areas for improvement. It is not uncommon for HR to distribute surveys aimed at understanding what factors contribute to employee contentment at work.

In a recent post on reddit, a worker took one of these HR surveys and gave the blunt answers we wish we all could. Read on for more.

“HR reminded us to fill out our work surveys” — u/Landid218

Employee Take HR Survey And Gives The Blunt Answers We Wish We All Could - Jarastyle

People in the comments absolutely loved this.

Employee Take HR Survey And Gives The Blunt Answers We Wish We All Could - Jarastyle

“Those bullshit survey serves the company only when employees answer the expected bullshit. Write the real stuff in them and oh would you look at that, we don’t have to fill them anymore!” said u/tankred420caza.

“Lol I worked for a big box store’s warehouse and they did something similar. We used to could write in answers and add additional comments. They didn’t get the answers they wanted one year so the next year it only had rating options for the questions. They didn’t like the answers they got that year either though so we all had a big meeting about how we apparently didn’t understand the survey questions.” said u/fish-tuxedo.

“The problem is that you didn’t give the right answers so that middle management could get their bonus.” said u/NighthawkFoo.

Employee Take HR Survey And Gives The Blunt Answers We Wish We All Could - Jarastyle

“At least you know where their heads are at” said u/joshuamunson.

“That’s when you tell them exactly how to do it wrong and see if they take the bait.” said u/bunnyrut.

Employee Take HR Survey And Gives The Blunt Answers We Wish We All Could - Jarastyle

Employee Take HR Survey And Gives The Blunt Answers We Wish We All Could - Jarastyle

Employee Take HR Survey And Gives The Blunt Answers We Wish We All Could - Jarastyle

Employee Take HR Survey And Gives The Blunt Answers We Wish We All Could - Jarastyle

Employee Take HR Survey And Gives The Blunt Answers We Wish We All Could - Jarastyle


Source link
Jarastyle – #Employee #Survey #Blunt #Answers
Courtesy : https://pleated-jeans.com/2023/05/08/employee-take-hr-survey-and-gives-blunt-answers/
