Boss Makes Woman’s Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip – Jarastyle

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Planning a vacation can be a real pain, especially when things go south and you end up losing your hard-earned cash. This is exactly what happened to a poor couple who now find themselves in a frustrating mess after their plans were squashed thanks to the boyfriend’s boss.

A woman booked a vacation with her boyfriend but his boss refused to let him go due to a sports game he was responsible for organizing. She demanded his boss reimburse her for the trip along with an explanation, but her boyfriend thinks she’s being unreasonable and fears it could harm his career.

Now she has turned to r/AITA to find out if she’s in the wrong for wanting his boss to reimburse them for the trip, along with an apology.


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


Boss Makes Woman's Boyfriend Cancel Pre-Planned Vacation, So She Demands Boss Reimburse Her For Trip - Jarastyle


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Jarastyle – #Boss #Womans #Boyfriend #Cancel #PrePlanned #Vacation #Demands #Boss #Reimburse #Trip
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