Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong – Jarastyle

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Children are known for their vivid imagination and creativity, but sometimes their innocent minds can lead to some hilarious misunderstandings. One of the most common examples of this is when kids mispronounce or misinterpret the names of everyday objects or concepts, leading to some truly funny moments.

From calling a giraffe a “camel with a long neck” to referring to a washing machine as a “clothes-eater,” the ways in which children interpret the world around them can be both amusing and endearing.

In this hilarious Twitter thread someone shares a time their child couldn’t seem to find the right words, and then many other joined in. Read on for more.


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


Viral Twitter Thread Has People Sharing Hilarious Times Kids Got The Name For Something Completely Wrong - Jarastyle


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Jarastyle – #Viral #Twitter #Thread #People #Sharing #Hilarious #Times #Kids #Completely #Wrong
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