Retired Dad Quits Part-Time Job After Boss Denies Him Three Days Off To See Son – Jarastyle

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A retired dad who was working part-time at a hardware store for a year decided to quit his job.

Retired Dad Quits Part-Time Job After Boss Denies Him Three Days Off To See Son - JarastyleShutterstock

Although retirement can be lonely, having a part-time job can keep you busy, and allow you to socialize and earn some extra cash on the side, it also has the same red flags that anyone who has worked part-time jobs has encountered.

This particular dad enjoyed his job at the hardware store as he had previous construction experience and knew his way around the store. However, his son lived far away, and they didn’t get to see each other often. When the son planned to visit his dad in three months, he informed the hardware store in advance. But to the dad’s dismay, the hardware store denied his request for just three days off, which angered him and led him to quit. Now, the store has to find a replacement for him.

The incident was shared on Reddit’s r/Antiwork subreddit by the son, where readers expressed their support in the comments. It makes you wonder how challenging it can be to plan for something so simple when given three months’ notice.

Retired Dad Quits Part-Time Job After Boss Denies Him Three Days Off To See Son - Jarastyle

Retired Dad Quits Part-Time Job After Boss Denies Him Three Days Off To See Son - Jarastyle

Retired Dad Quits Part-Time Job After Boss Denies Him Three Days Off To See Son - Jarastyle

Retired Dad Quits Part-Time Job After Boss Denies Him Three Days Off To See Son - Jarastyle

Retired Dad Quits Part-Time Job After Boss Denies Him Three Days Off To See Son - Jarastyle

Retired Dad Quits Part-Time Job After Boss Denies Him Three Days Off To See Son - Jarastyle


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