Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 779 – Jarastyle

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have a sweet monday cookie

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

1. One piece of makeup that instantly makes you feel good when you wear it?

There are so many makeup things that instantly pick me up, but currently mascara is doing a lot heavy lifting for me. Just the simple act of curling my lashes and coating them with a layer or two puts a big spring in my step!

2. What’s more fun: a day hiking or a spa day?

Both are loads of fun for me, but right meow, I’ll take the a spa day because my allergies are cray.

3. Cardigan or blazer?

I’ll take the cardigan if it’s slightly oversized and soft!

4. Who’s the best cook in your family?

Hmm, well, my immediate family isn’t known for their culinary prowess, LOL! Before she passed, my godmother was the best cook. I still dream about her peanut butter oxtail soup! Now the best cook is probably my brother.

5. What is your favorite/least favorite makeup brand?

It changes all the time, but my favorite brand at the moment is Chanel, with Laura Mercier a close second. Least favorite, hmmm… I generally can find at least one thing I like from every brand, but I’m having a hard time figuring this answer out. Maybe any of the brands that make lipsticks shaped like a dude’s private parts? There was one line that recently did this, and my first thought was, “Who asked for this?”

6. What is your favorite/least favorite ice cream flavor?

My favorite is ice pistachio almond from Baskin Robbins. Least favorite is any type of orange sherbet.

7. Who takes care of your nails?

I do my own nails because I’m crazy picky about how they’re painted. If I was a celeb, though, I’d hire a high-profile manicurist in a heartbeat!

8. What do you think of trendy perfumes?

Ya know, I don’t mind smelling trendy scents on other people, but I probably wouldn’t go out and actively seek what’s popular at the moment for myself.

I hope the rest of your Monday is calm and positive. Maybe treat yourself to something sweet today? I’m going to go for a latte in a few. 🙂

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. Here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. Talk to ya soon.

1. One piece of makeup that instantly makes you feel good when you wear it?
2. What’s more fun: a day hiking or a spa day?
3. Cardigan or blazer?
4. Who’s the best cook in your family?
5. What is your favorite/least favorite makeup brand?
6. What is your favorite/least favorite ice cream flavor?
7. Who takes care of your nails?
8. What do you think of trendy perfumes?


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