Instagram Fosters Connection Between Creators And Followers With “Notify” Sticker – Jarastyle Teen’s

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Instagram has rolled out a new “Notify” sticker allowing creators to prompt their audience to set reminders for upcoming posts. The platform aims to address a key challenge in ensuring users’ content reaches their most engaged followers.

Instagram Fosters Connection Between Creators And Followers With “Notify” Sticker - Jarastyle Teen'sInstagram Fosters Connection Between Creators And Followers With “Notify” Sticker - Jarastyle Teen's

“We’re excited to announce that if you have a professional account, you can now add a ‘Notify’ sticker to your stories, so your most dedicated fans won’t miss your content,” Instagram’s @Creators post reads. 

The sticker provides creators with an additional tool to navigate Instagram’s challenging algorithm, which chief Adam Mosseri acknowledges does not always surface every post to a creator’s entire follower base. 

“Nobody reaches all of their followers when they post, primarily for two reasons: One, a lot of your followers won’t open the app that day, and two, those who do log in have far more posts to see than they have time to spend, and don’t scroll down far enough to get to every post,” Mosseri said on Threads.

By tapping the new Notify sticker, followers can opt to receive notifications for specific types of content from creators they follow. This targeted approach enables them to prioritize posts they don’t want to miss, helping maximize reach for creators to their most invested audience segment.

The fresh sticker builds on Instagram’s “Favorites” feature, which allows users to select up to 50 accounts to receive higher priority in their feed. However, “Notify” provides a more explicit way for creators to encourage top fans to signal interest in their content.


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