New! Another Personalized Feature for Your Unique Goals | Inspiration – Jarastyle Teen’s

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Glucose insights is the latest app enhancement made possible by MyFitnessPal’s integration with Health Connect by Android. It debuted at Google I/O 2023, Google’s annual tech event where the company unveils its latest innovations and partnerships.

We’re excited to keep innovating with Health Connect and dozens of other health and wellness partners to bring you personalized data insights and app integrations. It’s all part of our goal to help you optimize your health and performance, whatever your goal.

Are you managing diabetes or have a friend or family member who is? Great news: The MyFitnessPal app now offers glucose insights for Android users! Sync up to see your glucose levels and food together on one screen — and make informed decisions about what and when to eat.

Currently, this free feature is available on Android for members with select continuous glucose monitors: Dexcom G6 users with Dexcom G6 app version 1.11.0 and above. For our iOS pals, stay tuned for exciting updates coming your way soon!

How to see glucose insights in MyFitnessPal: Simply tap the Glucose tab in the MyFitnessPal app’s More menu and follow the prompts to sync data from your continuous glucose monitor. Not yet a member? Download the app now.

New! Another Personalized Feature for Your Unique Goals

Once you’re set up and syncing, your glucose data will appear in the Glucose tab on your MyFitnessPal app. View up to 24 hours of data at a time, tapping the tab to swap between your daily graph and time-in-range.

New! Another Personalized Feature for Your Unique Goals | Inspiration - Jarastyle Teen's

As you add foods to your diary, you’ll be able to see them on your Glucose screen, too. Log consistently to spot correlations between your glucose levels and what (and when) you eat.

Bonus for Premium members: Use the timestamp feature to see exactly when each food was logged. Curious about Premium? Snag this 30-day free trial.

New! Another Personalized Feature for Your Unique Goals

Seeing glucose and food data side-by-side can make it easier to spot highs and lows and adjust your diet as you go. You can even look back at up to 30 days of your history for a bigger picture of your glucose trends.

We hope these new insights help members with diabetes find better balance, and feel confident with your choices throughout the day.

To get started, tap the Glucose tab in the MyFitnessPal app’s More menu and follow the prompts to sync data from your continuous glucose monitor.* This new feature is available in the latest version of the app. Download or update your app now.

To read more about glucose insights in MyFitnessPal, check out these FAQs.

*Available for Dexcom G6 Android users with Dexcom G6 app version 1.11.0 and above.


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