List of Chores for Teenagers (50+ Ideas and More) – Jarastyle Teen’s

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List of Chores for Teenagers (50+ Ideas and More) - Jarastyle Teen's

October 18, 2023

For teenagers, chores are much more than just tasks to keep the house clean. While often met with groans, these tasks play a pivotal role in a teen’s life, teaching them responsibility, independence, and essential life skills. The benefits of chores for teens extends beyond executing tasks; they help shape the work ethic and civic duty of burgeoning young adults.

However, it can be hard to know what chores are age-appropriate, or what your teens can even accomplish given their schedules. Here’s a comprehensive guide, outlining chores for teens based on age-appropriateness, seasonality, and the invaluable life lessons they convey.

The Benefits of Chores for Teens

When we think about the benefits of chores for teens, we often focus on the immediate results—a cleaner space, dishes put away, or a freshly mowed lawn. However, the true advantages go much deeper, shaping both the character and life skills of your young adolescent.

  1. Development of a Strong Work Ethic: Consistent chores can instill a robust work ethic in teenagers. By regularly attending to tasks, teens learn the values of diligence, consistency, and perseverance. Over time, this newfound responsibility will apply to other areas of their lives, including schoolwork and employment.
  2. Enhanced Self-Esteem and Confidence: Whether the task involves mastering a new recipe or organizing a cluttered garage, these achievements can boost a teen’s confidence and offer a sense of accomplishment. It teaches them that they’re capable and competent, feelings that can spill over into their everyday lives.
  3. Improved Time Management and Prioritization: With the myriad activities teens juggle, adding chores to the mix might seem daunting. However, this can be a blessing in disguise. By managing household tasks alongside schoolwork and social commitments, teens hone their ability to prioritize and allocate time efficiently, skills that are invaluable in adulthood.
  4. Building Financial Responsibility: Some families tie chores to allowances, which can be a gateway to financial literacy. When teens earn money based on their contributions, they begin to understand the value of hard work. Moreover, managing their earnings can lead to lessons in saving, budgeting, and thoughtful spending.
  5. Fostering Empathy and Teamwork: Chores aren’t just about the tasks; they’re about the family unit. When teens contribute to the household, they start to see the home from a broader perspective. They understand the efforts of other family members, learn the importance of teamwork, and realize the impact of their contributions.
  6. Enhanced Problem-Solving Abilities: Not all chores are straightforward. Sometimes, teens might face a stubborn stain, a complex recipe, or a malfunctioning appliance. These challenges push them to think critically, come up with solutions, and even innovate.
  7. Preparation for Future Living Situations: As teens grow, they’ll encounter various living scenarios—college dorms, shared apartments, or their own homes. The chores they do now lay the foundation for managing these future spaces. Whether it’s cooking, cleaning, or basic home maintenance, the skills they acquire during their teen years ensure they’re well-prepared for independent living.

While the practical skills teens gain from chores are invaluable, the intangible benefits—character development, emotional growth, and interpersonal skills—are the real treasures. Communicating these benefits to your teen can make the chore journey more meaningful and rewarding.

Teenager Chore Ideas By Age

The age and maturity level of a teenager play a critical role in determining suitable chores. Categorizing tasks based on age ensures they’re both challenging and achievable.

Chores for Early Teens (13-15 years):

At this age, teens are developing a sense of personal responsibility and seeking ways to prove their maturity.

  • Kitchen Duties:
    • Washing and drying dishes
    • Setting and clearing the table
    • Assisting with meal preparation (chopping vegetables, mixing ingredients, etc.)
    • Making simple breakfasts or snacks
    • Organizing pantry or refrigerator items
  • Bedroom and Living Spaces:
    • Making their bed daily
    • Tidying up their room, including dusting and vacuuming
    • Organizing books, toys, games, or other personal items
    • Assisting in cleaning common areas, like the living room or dining area
    • Emptying trash bins in their room and other parts of the house
  • Laundry:
    • Sorting laundry by color or fabric type
    • Loading the washing machine and dryer under supervision
    • Folding and putting away their own clothes
    • Changing bed linens
  • Outdoor Tasks (if applicable):
    • Watering plants and garden beds
    • Raking leaves
    • Sweeping patios or porches
    • Basic gardening tasks like planting or weeding
  • Pet Care (if applicable):
    • Feeding pets
    • Cleaning pet dishes or bowls
    • Walking pets (for families with dogs)
    • Cleaning pet litter boxes or cages under supervision
  • Bathroom Maintenance:
    • Replenishing toiletries (toilet paper, soap, etc.)
    • Cleaning and wiping down sinks and counters
    • Organizing bathroom cabinets or drawers with non-hazardous items
  • General Household Tasks:
    • Dusting furniture in shared living spaces
    • Helping with grocery shopping and putting away groceries
    • Replacing light bulbs under supervision
    • Assisting in decluttering spaces or organizing storage areas
  • Safety and Learning:
    • Checking smoke detectors (under supervision)
    • Learning to use basic household appliances safely, like a microwave or vacuum cleaner
    • Assisting with family emergency preparedness (helping pack emergency kits, etc.)

These tasks can be rotated, scheduled, or even paired with rewards or allowances to motivate and acknowledge their contributions.

Chores for Mid-Teens (16-18 years):

As teens grow older, their capacity to handle complex tasks increases, paving the way for more challenging chores. For example:

  • Advanced Kitchen Duties:
    • Planning and preparing full meals for the family
    • Baking or cooking more complex dishes
    • Operating kitchen appliances, like blenders or ovens, with minimal supervision
    • Deep cleaning of kitchen appliances (oven, refrigerator, microwave)
    • Creating a grocery shopping list
  • Bedroom, Living Spaces, and General Home Maintenance:
    • Deep cleaning their room, including under furniture
    • Organizing closets, drawers, and other storage areas
    • Vacuuming and mopping common areas
    • Minor home repair tasks, like fixing a loose doorknob or patching up small holes in walls
    • Rearranging furniture for optimized space
  • Laundry and Wardrobe Management:
    • Handling the entire laundry process, including treating stains
    • Ironing clothes
    • Seasonal wardrobe sorting (packing away off-season clothing)
    • Sewing or repairing minor tears or buttons
  • Advanced Outdoor Tasks:
    • Mowing the lawn
    • Trimming bushes or hedges
    • Simple landscaping projects, like planting flower beds or setting up garden structures
    • Cleaning out gutters
    • Washing cars, including interior vacuuming and detailing
  • Pet Care (if applicable):
    • Bathing pets or taking them to grooming appointments
    • Administering pet medications or treatments under supervision
    • Training or teaching pets new tricks
  • Bathroom and Home Sanitation:
    • Scrubbing toilets, showers, and bathtubs
    • Managing and replacing household products (toilet cleaners, shampoos, etc.)
    • Deep cleaning tiles, grouts, or drains
  • Financial and Organizational Tasks:
    • Managing their personal budget or allowance
    • Shopping for groceries or household items within a set budget
    • Organizing bills or helping track household expenses
    • Assisting in planning family outings or vacations, including budgeting
  • Safety, Security, and Responsibility:
    • Checking and maintaining home security devices (changing codes, checking alarms)
    • Basic first aid kit checks and replenishment
    • Overseeing younger siblings or babysitting
    • Teaching or assisting younger siblings with their chores or homework
  • Community and Environment:
    • Organizing or participating in community clean-ups
    • Assisting neighbors or elderly community members with chores or errands
    • Initiating or participating in recycling and composting efforts for the household

For teens aged 16-18, chores can serve as practical lessons that prepare them for imminent adulthood. They not only contribute to the immediate family environment but also start engaging with the broader community, understanding financial responsibilities, and taking on roles that will benefit them in college, their future homes, and workplaces.

Aligning Tasks with Nature’s Calendar

Every season brings with it unique chores, aligned with nature’s rhythm and household requirements.

Spring & Summer:

  • Mowing the lawn
  • Washing windows
  • Planting in the garden
  • Garage cleanout
  • Repainting room


  • Sealing windows
  • Storing summer gear
  • Cleaning gutters
  • Raking leaves


  • Winterizing the home
  • Indoor organization
  • Shoveling and de-icing walkways

Beyond Cleaning: Chores Promote Life Lessons

Chores aren’t just about maintaining a house; they’re life lessons in disguise, instilling consistency, punctuality and collective well-being. Moreover, chores that focus on social responsibility can help prepare your teen to be an engaged member of his community. For example:

  • Volunteer Work: Encourage teens to volunteer at local shelters, food banks, or community centers.
  • Organize Community Clean-ups: Lead or participate in neighborhood clean-up initiatives, focusing on parks, beaches, or streets.
  • Assist the Elderly: Help elderly neighbors with tasks like grocery shopping, lawn maintenance, snow shoveling, or tech troubleshooting.
  • Recycling and Composting: Take charge of the household’s recycling and composting efforts. This could include sorting, ensuring proper disposal, and even educating family members about the importance of these practices.
  • Gardening: Cultivate a vegetable or flower garden. This can teach sustainability and the importance of local produce.
  • Advocate for Conservation: Organize or participate in tree-planting events, or campaigns against excessive plastic use.

Assigning or encouraging teens to participate in these chores and tasks not only enriches their personal growth but also solidifies their roles as responsible members of society. Over time, these experiences shape their worldview, fostering empathy, understanding, and a proactive attitude towards societal betterment.

Balancing Chores with Teen Life

While chores are instrumental, it’s vital to balance them with academic and leisure activities. Instituting a reward system or linking privileges with chores can motivate teens. Moreover, discussing and setting chore schedules together fosters understanding and cooperation.

While seemingly mundane, chores are transformative experiences for teens, equipping them with skills that far transcend the confines of the home. By tailoring these tasks according to age, season, and the lessons they offer, we can ensure our teens grow into responsible, skilled, and conscientious adults.


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