How to Humor: Getting Over Writer’s Block | by Heidi Lux | Jan, 2024 – Jarastyle

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Writing is 50% putting words on paper, 50% finding ways to trick yourself into putting words on paper

Heidi LuxThe Belladonna ComedyPhoto: Pexels|Judit Peter

A new year means a new page, and the blank page can be the most intimidating thing for a writer to face. Here are some of the things the editors at The Belladonna do when we’re feeling like squeezing out an idea feels like the hardest thing we’ve ever have to do in our lives.

Put Words on Paper

Not to be annoying, but if you’re stuck in your writing — keep writing! It can be hard to silence your inner perfectionist, but getting down words on the page when you’re not in the zone can go a long way in making things easier when you are in the mood. Editing is always easier than pulling ideas out of your butt. Lay out the broad brush strokes, and you can fill in the rest later. Future you will be happy with past you, and since both future you and past you are yourself, you’ll be setting yourself up for success.

If you push through and write when you don’t want to, you’ll become a better writer. Your brain is a muscle (don’t quote us on that), so the more you exercise it, the more swole it will get.

Take a Break

Conversely, if you’re stuck — you might need to leave it and come back when you feel fresh again. Sometimes reading what you’re working on, then walking away from it is the best way to have ideas speak to you from the ether.

The trick is knowing when you need to push through or when you need to rest, and it truly can depend on the moment and/or your writing process. So listen to what you need, and then do that. Easy, right?


There are so many ways to find inspiration by reading. You can read work by other writers who you love in hopes of having their greatness rub off on you through osmosis.

You can read work by other writers who you hate, letting spite fuel your pen strokes.

You can also turn to sources on the topic you’re writing about. For instance, when I wrote for Reductress, I would turn to crappy women’s magazines to see what sparked inspiration.


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