Both of them are trying to teach me their own religion ⋆ The Teenager Today – Jarastyle Teen’s

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My parents had an interfaith marriage. What I have realized is that both of them are trying to teach me their own religion. I feel if I follow any one particular religion, I will be disappointing one parent ultimately. This is confusing me, and I am unable to focus on what I am actually supposed to do.
J.R. (13)

Gathering any information or knowledge is always a good thing, be it religious or non-religious. I understand the dilemma that you are in right now. Irrespective of the faith that you follow, I want to tell you that the premise for all religions is to do good and learn good values, be hardworking and not hurt anyone. I want you to follow these first. As you grow up, you can decide where you feel more inclined. There is no pressure under which you need to follow anything specially now, so do not put yourself under that stress. I understand that you do not wish to hurt your parents, but it would be fair to hear what both of them want to say to you.

Both of them are trying to teach me their own religion ⋆ The Teenager Today - Jarastyle Teen's

Dr Alisha Lalljee is a Psychologist (M.A.), Special Educator (M.Ed) and Psychotherapist. She holds an MBA in clinical research and hospital management. Visit her website


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Jarastyle Teen’s – #teach #religion #Teenager #Today
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