Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 809 – Jarastyle

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Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 809 - JarastyleHello, Monday!

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007).

1. Run or walk?

Walk! Gotta hit those 10K steps a day, baby.

2. Books or movies?

Read the book first, and then watch the movie.

3. Wing it or plan it?

Plan it, otherwise I’ll never be able to stop thinking about the details until they’re all worked out. I’ll be terribly annoying until we figure out how we’re gonna get there. Then I’ll ask what’s the parking situation like, if I can pay with a credit card if we need to park in a lot, and if wherever we’re going has a bathroom that’s kid friendly. Then I’ll need to know where and when are we going to eat, if anyone has allergies, yadda-yadda-yadda! I’m that friend who will drive you slowly nuts, LOL!

4. Try a new mascara or stick to your reliable standby?

Try something new, why not?

5. Hotel or Airbnb?

UGH, the last Airbnb experience I had was kinda gross, so give me a hotel with at least three stars please.

6. Liquid concealer with a wand or cream concealer in a pot?

Liquid with a wand because it’s so much easier for me to blend.

7. Go makeup shopping alone or with a friend?

With a friend!

8. How was your Thanksgiving?

It was so mellow and peaceful. We had pre-cooked crab which didn’t take long to steam, a couple sides and pie. We stayed at home and it was just lovely!

Side note, I just finished the interview that I had scheduled today, and I’m so glad that I actually put on makeup and got outta my pajamas because it was on camera, ha ha ha. I think it went OK, but it was super long — an hour and a half! I’ve been told that if I make it to the next round there will be at least two more interview. Anywho, I’m starving and craving a veggie burger so that’s what next up on my end.

I hope that you are doing great! Have a wonderful rest your Monday.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. Here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. Talk to ya soon.

1. Run or walk?
2. Books or movies?
3. Wing it or plan it?
4. Try a new mascara or stick to your reliable standby?
5. Hotel or Airbnb?
6. Liquid concealer with a wand or cream concealer in a pot?
7. Go makeup shopping alone or with a friend?
8. How was your Thanksgiving?


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