The wind in my campus ⋆ The Teenager Today – Jarastyle Teen’s

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As the school bell rang, I went outside towards the hill garden in our campus. As soon as I took the first step outside the door, a warm wind started to blow. It whistled, rushed, danced and ran through the emerald green leaves of the trees surrounding the garden. The wind lightly ruffled my hair as if playing with it, and soon a whole storm was created with my hair blowing this way and that. But I was enchanted by the speed and the power of the wind.

I consider the wind magical because it can be as peaceful as a peacock or as ferocious as a tornado.

I walked up the hill in the garden. Along with the trees, there were bushes of bright bursts of blooms tossing their pretty heads happily in the breeze. In the trees, the birds were chirping to the wind as it passed by. I walked on and reached a shady area. A cool wind blew there. I was once again, enchanted by the sudden change of temperature in the wind. There outside the shade, it was as warm as a heater, and in the shady area, it was as cool as a rainforest. I consider the wind magical because it can be as peaceful as a peacock or as ferocious as a tornado. I thank the wind for it is the hub of many sources. I am, however, disheartened at the state of the wind today because of all the smoke. I vow today, dear wind, I shan’t let this continue.


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