Beauty Q of the Day: Have You Ever Let a Hairstylist Do Whatever They Wanted to Your Hair? – Jarastyle

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Beauty Q of the Day: Have You Ever Let a Hairstylist Do Whatever They Wanted to Your Hair? - Jarastyle

As adventurous as I’d like to think I am when it comes to hair, I don’t think I’ve actually allowed a stylist to just go in there and do whatever they wanted. Perhaps having so many terrible haircuts over the years has made visiting the salon feel like an unpredictable outing in the wild west, ha ha ha!

While I love the idea of letting a professional execute their vision of my mane, I don’t think I could ever be that brave.

I applaud the gals/guys who can throw caution to the wind and let the hair goddesses do what they will.

Have you ever done this? I’m dying to know how it turned out! Fingers crossed that it was good.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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