August 2023 Content Call – Jarastyle

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And, introducing: our Summer Newsletter Series!

August 2023 Content Call - JarastyleLogo designed by Marlowe Dobb

Hey everyone! It’s been a while since we’ve posted a newsletter. So let’s catch up — we’ve got a content call for the month of August, a special interview with cartoonist and writer Ellen Liebenthal as part of our new Summer Newsletter series, a catch up of the incredible pieces we’ve posted the last few weeks, anddddd a special announcement:

The Belladonna Editors will be participating in a live Q&A for Medium Day! Our session is called Ask and You Shall Receive: An Answer(s) from the Belladonna Editors — A Satire Writing Q&A, and is from 4PM-4:30PM ET on August 12. So, if you’ve got a question, or just want to see who the people are behind the laptops, we’d love to see you there! You can register for our session at this link here.

Content Call

  1. Summer heat — unbearable! (also ongoing)
  2. International Cat Day — August 8
  3. Book Lovers Day — August 9
  4. Anna Kendrick’s Birthday — August 9
  5. Halle Berry’s Birthday — August 14
  6. Relaxation Day — August 15
  7. Julia Child’s Birthday — August 15
  8. Madonna’s Birthday — August 16
  9. Thrift Shop Day — August 17
  10. Take Your Cat To The Vet Day — August 22
  11. Kirsten Wiig’s Birthday — August 22
  12. Melissa McCarthy’s Birthday — August 24
  13. Bowtie Day — August 28
  14. Jennifer Coolidge’s Birthday — August 28
  15. Frankenstein Day — August 30


Ellen Liebenthal is a Belladonna contributor and an artist. You can check out her work on her website,, or on her socials, which are, @instantnutscomics, and @1000characters. Thank you so much to Ellen for allowing us to interview her!

Who or what got you into cartoons?

I have been surrounded by art and comedy my entire life. My parents raised me on a steady diet of Three Stooges, Monty Python, and Mad Magazine. My favorite cartoon was Spy vs. Spy because I could understand the story before I learned how to read. In college, I majored in Linguistics but spent much of my free time doodling, a continuation of a childhood pastime. The doodles in the margins of my notebooks led to original cartoons and comic strips.

How do you make time for writing and drawing? On average, how long does it take you to finish a cartoon?

I work as a graphic designer from 9 to 5 and as a cartoonist from 5 to 9. The timing depends on each idea. Sometimes I’m sketching out 10 gags at the same time. Sometimes I abandon a cartoon for months and return to it when it feels right or I figure out the punchline. Sometimes the caption for one can inspire an illustration for another.

I always have an ongoing list of future ideas or half ideas that might shape into something real. I have a habit of waking up in the middle of the night to write down nonsense. That’s why I always carry a pad and pen with me.

What influences your art? Do you use any of your own experiences as inspiration?

My gag cartoons are very personal. They are usually about love, family, or mental health — sometimes all three at once! Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on who you ask) they are based on my own experiences.

Is your approach to cartoons different compared to your writing?

Art and writing go hand in hand. I think about both aspects simultaneously. Even when I’m working on something longform, I need to sketch out the characters as I write them. It helps me visualize the story and where they fit into the world.

Recently, you’ve been able to publish about three cartoons per month with us! You’ve also published three books. What is your advice for someone trying to publish their first piece?

Just keep writing, drawing, and submitting. You’re going to hear no a lot. Constantly. It’s exhausting, but if it’s what you really want to do, you’ll keep trying.

Surround yourself with others who share similar passions. Curate your own professional community. In everything you do, take space for yourself and make space for others. Draw what you want to see and write what you want to read.

Also, use any opportunity you have to promote yourself! Get your copy of ‘Dan Harmon Please Hire Me,’ ‘A-Z of Cryptozoology,’ and ‘Color Me Cryptid’ today! Go to


HR Said There Would Be Donuts by Alyssa Moore

My office door is always open, as is the office fridge.

Dog Negotiations by Marcy Goldberg Sacks

When your dog starts to become your new spouse…

Internet Yeast Infection Cure or Ingredient from Shakespearean Witches’ Brew by Hallie Pritts

Double, double toil and trouble; Monistat burn and cauldron bubble.

Musical Theatre, by Autocorrect by Elizabeth Lee

From “Fuzzy Girl” to “Hamill Town”

Summer Style for the Perimenopausal by Johanna Gohmann

This no-fuss, linen sack dress is all about streamlined style, for when you want to give a bit of that classic “1940s sanitarium” vibe.

Barbie the Sequel: Barbie Ages Gracelessly by Lisa Rosenberg

Comes with young Ken co-workers with decades less experience who believe she is preventing them from getting promotions.

Every Thought I Have When a Barista Flips a Tip Screen at Me by Kathryn Nicolai

I should really save this $2 and start investing in a 401K.

Notes from Therapy by Marcy Goldberg Sacks

This nugget of wisdom only cost me $475 in co-pays

What Is My Small Child Asking For?–A Guide by Amy Greenlee

It’s probably not what it sounds like.

That Noise I Made on the Leg Press Machine at the Gym Is Definitely Not What I Sound Like in Bed by Alice Gomstyn

So I whimpered like a romance novel heroine finally straddling the swashbuckler of her dreams…Big deal!

Itemized Receipt: 45 Minutes of Therapy by Kathryn Nicolai

Handing you a tissue — $15.78

I’m Quitting My Job to Run a Sanitarium for Tubercular Rats by Kelli Huggins

Is there really a market for this? That you even have to ask that shows this is a serious issue that people just aren’t talking about.

I Cannot Afford To Pay You Because Mickey Mouse Is Living In My Basement And He Must Feed: By Bob Iger by Samantha Lee

Do you know why Mickey Mouse wears gloves? So that he does not leave fingerprints.

Recess by Molly Silverstein

Thoreau on Building Barbie’s Dreamhouse by Rochelle E. Fisher

There was so much pink of a variety not common in nature.

Introducing, Strike Captain Barbie! by Cassie Soliday

She is pro-union and pro-worker’s rights — as a woman who has held over 200 jobs, how could she not be?

90s Toy Movie Pitches That Weren’t As Compelling As Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” by Nicole M. Boyce

The year is 2035 and Nerf — faced with global drought — has pivoted into arms development.

God Holds a Casting Call for the New Testament By Ele Pawelski

Bring your Headshot and Bio (Papyrus preferred over Stone Tablet)

The Butter Board Effect; Alliteration-Focused Hosting Trends By Stephanie

Sangria Sandpits: Combine the lost joy of childhood with the only fun of adulthood.

Announcing Economy Minus, The Airline Experience Which Gives You Less for the Same Amount of Money By Heidi Lux

No expense is spared in us squeezing you, the customer, out of more money

As A Multimillionaire CEO, I Think It’s Unrealistic For My Employees To Expect Lifeboats On My Sinking Yacht By Steph Westendorf

It’s very disturbing to me.

Follow The Belladonna on Twitter and Instagram!

And if you’ve been published in The Belladonna before, you can join our Slack Writers’ Room — just email us at and we’ll add you!

Thanks for reading, and keep being your amazing selves!

— The Belladonna Editors
(Emily, Emily, Heidi, and Kristen)

August 2023 Content Call - Jarastyle

August 2023 Content Call was originally published in The Belladonna Comedy on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


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Jarastyle – #August #Content #Call
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