12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT – Jarastyle

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In the brave new world of ChatGPT and its AI comrades, we’ve seen professors morph into cyber sleuths, ever vigilant for signs of plagiarism. After all, as any good AI developer will tell you, the machines are getting smarter by the second. But oh, the irony when the very tech meant to unmask deceivers falls prey to the deceiver itself. You see, these chatbot plagiarism checkers are great, but they’re not foolproof, churning out false positives like a popcorn machine at a movie theater. This plot twist has led to a virtual witch-hunt, with innocent students being falsely accused of plagiarism.

So, without further ado, let’s unveil the stories of 12 students whose academic lives were blindsided by these chatbot plagiarism checkers.

1. “My professor falsely accused me of using ChatGPT to write my essay.”

12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle

The response they gave:

12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle
12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle


12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle
12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle
12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle

3. “Professor thinks I cheated, I honestly did not. I can’t decide if I should email her to explain.”

“I had my first anatomy exam since classes moved online yesterday and on a couple of the questions, I guessed by using logic as per usual. On one question I didn’t know the term but I knew that it was the tracheal cartilage and that a commonly used term for indents in anatomy is notch. It sounded right so that’s what I guessed. Apparently, many people had this answer, but it wasn’t in our lab book. So my professor thinks we cheated and sent the email I screenshotted to the whole class. I’m torn because I don’t want her to think I cheated, but also I don’t want to make her more upset or suspicious if I email her to explain how I got that answer without cheating. What do you think I should do?”

Read the Email Here:

12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle


12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle


12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle

6. ” A professor at my school is dropping everyone’s best test grade in light of cheating allegations in other classes”

12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle


12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle

8. “No words”

12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle

9. “Issue with Canvas audit log? I stayed on the exam page the entire time I was taking the exam and yet I lost 20 points. I have no idea what to do. I don’t think my professor would believe me if I tried to tell her I hadn’t left the exam window. Has anyone else had an issue like this??”

12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle


12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle


12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle

12. “My teacher literally nuked everyone’s grade in the class”

“My teacher as you can see by the picture thinks people in the class cheated, so he reverse-curved our grades and so many of us lost huge portions of our grades. Since he curved our overall grade as opposed to the final, I lost 9.5% of my grade, and one girl in my class lost 13% going from an A- to a C+. It honestly sucks he took out his anger upon the whole class, without any proof of actual plagiarism.”

Read the Email Here:

12 Students Falsely Accused Of Plagiarism In The Age Of ChatGPT - Jarastyle


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Jarastyle – #Students #Falsely #Accused #Plagiarism #Age #ChatGPT
Courtesy : https://pleated-jeans.com/2023/08/07/chatbot-plagiarism-checkers-falsely-accused-students-of-cheating-chatgpt/
