Checking In: A Surreal Moment at Whole Foods, Rare Beauty Liner Update and Happy Friday – Jarastyle

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Checking In: A Surreal Moment at Whole Foods, Rare Beauty Liner Update and Happy Friday - JarastyleI wrote this!

Hi, my friend. I’m back from vacation and typing to you from my keyboard home in the Bay Area.

First things first because apparently it’s a lesson I need to learn over and over again! If you ever anticipate coming home at midnight jet lagged from a flight, chances are you’re going to be starving, so you should probably have a few easy things on hand to eat in the cupboard, just in case.

The other night, when we walked through the door, I totally forgot that I cleaned out the fridge before we left for our trip. We were all ravenous by the time we got home and there was nothing of substance to eat, so Connor and I ended up with Lucky Charms and El Hub had microwaved rice with soy sauce. It wasn’t pretty, but it got the job done.

Moral of the story is to have just-in-case food around for when you get back!

Anywho, on one of our final days in Hawaii, I had a surreal moment at the Whole Foods in Kahala. We were there buying lychees when I stumbled into the beauty section and found a big hair project I worked on earlier this year on the shelf – a new line of shampoos and conditioners from Everyone.

This was the first time I saw the collection in a store, so it was pretty cool. I wrote the labels and helped name the products!

Checking In: A Surreal Moment at Whole Foods, Rare Beauty Liner Update and Happy Friday - Jarastyle

Oh, and remember the Rare Beauty liquid liner I raved about last week? I don’t know what happened, but I opened it up a few days ago and the ink was leaking into the cap. BOO.

I mean, the liner brush still works if I clean it off on a tissue, but there’s just so much wasted product! I still have the receipt and am going to see if I can exchange it at Sephora. Will keep you posted on what happens.

Let’s see, what else? Well, even though Hawaii is only three hours behind California time, I’m still feeling jet lagged. This morning, I forced myself to wake up at 7 even though my body felt like it was 4! It usually takes me about a week for my body to get adjusted to a time difference, which feels like a long time. Is it the same for you? Or are you one of those lucky people who can readily bounce between time zones?

Last but certainly not least, I hope everything on your end of the keyboard is going great. Happy, happy Friday to you!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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