Beauty Q of the Day: Do You Have Any Beauty Regrets? – Jarastyle

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Beauty Q of the Day: Do You Have Any Beauty Regrets? - JarastyleBaby Karen 15 years ago, in 2008!

Do you have any beauty regrets?

This question came about after a long discussion with my neighbor about sunscreen! He’s fair skinned with red hair, and he mentioned how he regrets tanning when he was in his 20s and 30s. Now that he’s older, his skin has sun damage that’s difficult to deal with.

I never tried to actively tan, but I do wish that I wore sunscreen consistently at an earlier age. When I was a kid, I was outside all the time, especially in the summer, and often for hours on end. The only time I wore sunscreen, though, was when we went to the beach or the lake. Crazy! And when I started wearing sunscreen daily, it wasn’t until college.

Anywho, beauty regrets. Here are some of mine in no particular order!

  • Not wearing enough sunscreen at a younger age and not often enough
  • Plucking my brows to oblivion in the ’90s
  • Aggressive tugging on my eyelids to apply makeup, especially eyeliner
  • Believing I “needed” to contour my nose to make it straighter; this went on for a while and in I’m glad I found my way out of it because it wasn’t doing any favors for my mental health

But by far the biggest regret is not really truly appreciating what I had at the time, because my goodness, I see pictures of myself when I was younger and can’t believe I had that much collagen. (Or hair, for that matter.) If I could, I’d go back in time and give Baby Karen a big old hug, and tell her that she 1) doesn’t really need all that concealer, and 2) she’s going to be just fine.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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