Top cities for mental well-being in Europe Jarastyle travel

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Due to several ongoing socio-economic issues in South Africa, many citizens may be considering moving abroad as the country faces growing pessimism and hopelessness. The country is plagued with issues such as state-regulated power cuts, rising crime levels, unemployment, and failing infrastructure, making the future look bleak.

Top cities for mental well-being in Europe Jarastyle travel

The constant state of load-shedding has had a significant impact on the mental health of South Africans, resulting in diminished hope and optimism. Over the last year, happiness and satisfaction levels in the country have declined notably, leading many to prioritize their mental well-being. A recent study by The Social Hub has identified the best cities in the world for mental well-being, considering various lifestyle factors.

The top cities, according to The South African, for mental well-being are predominantly in Europe, with Scandinavian cities taking several top positions. Copenhagen, the Danish capital, ranked first on the list due to its low pollution levels, clean air, and high happiness levels. The city boasts many walking trails and green spaces, making it easy for residents to spend time outdoors. Stockholm and Oslo, the capital cities of Sweden and Norway, respectively, also ranked high on the list.

Vienna, the capital city of Austria, secured second place, thanks to its high levels of happiness and good air quality. Vienna has many beautiful parks, and 30 per cent of the city’s energy is produced by renewable sources. Other European cities that offer high levels of contentment and good mental health include Hamburg, Munich, Zurich, Bruges, and Reykjavik.

It is worth noting that no Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian cities made the list, despite these countries being renowned for their healthy diets and relaxed way of life. Here are the countries in order:

  • Copenhagen
  • Vienna
  • Stockholm
  • Oslo
  • Amsterdam
  • Reykjavik
  • Bruges
  • Munich
  • Hamburg
  • Zurich

Picture: Getaway gallery

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