Great white swims between surfers in Jeffrey’s Bay Jarastyle travel

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Great white swims between surfers in Jeffrey's Bay Jarastyle travel

Drone footage was shared showing a great white shark swimming through a lineup of surfers in Jeffrey’s Bay.

Facebook account I Am South African shared Nathan Florence’s footage and his account of what happened:

‘Some groms (young surfers) came down the point and said they had seen a great white close enough to see its eyes. I had Zoard (a friend) throw the drone up to see if we could spot it, sure enough the shark was cruising up the point. Tried to alert Rio Waida with the drone that it was nearing him and call people on the beach to let the surfers know it was swimming right through the lineup.

‘All turned out well. Everyone went in and the shark just cruised on its way. What a crazy thing to watch. We know we are playing in their home but to see how easily and mellow they can approach undetected is wild.’

Watch the footage below:

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Also Read: Great white sharks lurk beneath surfers in California

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