Vacation Packing Tips from a Toddler | by Lisa Aldin | Jul, 2023 – Jarastyle

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You need mommy to wipe your bottom, not pack your suitcase.

Lisa AldinThe Belladonna ComedyPhoto by Snapeturemoments from Pexels:

Before you grab your sippy cup of apple juice and enjoy the delicious taste of sand, your suitcase needs stuff in it. So what if mommy says she’s going to pack it for you? Just like pouring a tall glass of milk while standing on your tippy toes, you can do this yourself. These packing tips are guaranteed to make your life easier, even if you don’t really know where you’re
going or for how long or what a vacation even is.

Make a List

Scribble the list of stuff you want to bring on the back of your closet door in crayon or nail polish where it’ll be discovered months later, well after vacation is over, so there’s no worry of it being erased before you need it. Add stickers and glitter glue.

Do It Yourself

You need mommy to wipe your bottom, not pack your suitcase. You’re a big kid! So act like it! I recommend starting by packing every stuffed turtle you own and a half-eaten bag of goldfish crackers. If you get to an ocean, set the goldfish free.

Organize Your Clothes

Take all of your clothes and dump them on the floor. Place your collection of chapsticks in one of the empty drawers. Do not move any of your clothes into the suitcase. In fact, push them under your bed.

Try To Fit Inside the Suitcase

Hmmm. The turtles are having a blast in there. Squeeze in there with them. This is also a great opportunity to practice zipping up zippers. Try to zip yourself inside the suitcase. If you succeed, scream. If you don’t succeed, scream.

Let’s See What Else Will Fit

Suggestions to try: Daddy’s watch that he keeps in a special case on his dresser, a bunch of giant legos, a stick, a dead bee, an iPad, an elephant rocker, your family’s fluffy kitty, your newborn sister.

Throw Tantrum Inside Suitcase

Mommy won’t let you hold your newborn sister without supervision and the fluffy white kitty jumps out of the suitcase. Sit inside the suitcase and scream like the time mommy poured your juice into a blue cup. Amp up the volume if anyone dares move you.

Take A Nap

Just kidding! Naps are for suckers. Oh! Ask for a sucker. Red only.

Hunt for Fluffy Kitty

After tantrum is complete, it’s time to find the fluffy kitty again.

Oh! Paw Patrol Is On

Watch several episodes while eating the purple grapes mommy cut up for you.

Mommy Says It’s Time For Park

Hooray! At the park, go down the slide one million kajillion times. Run toward every doggie you

Take Nap In Stroller On Way Home

Stroller naps are acceptable.

Wake Up When Mommy Puts You in Crib

Like, immediately. Hug her sweetly.

Don’t Forget Toiletries

I hear mommy say this all the time so it’s an easy step to forget. Place a few rolls of toilet paper in your suitcase, but only after unrolling them. You can use the empty roll for a fun craft later.

Organize Your Travel Documents

Take any piece of paper from mommy’s desk and color some pictures on it. It’s best if the paper is not blank first. Make sure you tuck these away in the suitcase. They are important and needed for whatever a vacation is.

All Done

That should do it! Now drag your suitcase up and down the stairs one gillion times. Throw suitcase downstairs. That’s hilarious. Do it again until someone dare stop you.


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