Affirmations for the Calmest Person at the Airport | by Kelsey Deemer | Jul, 2023 – Jarastyle

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I claim aerospacial peace.

Kelsey DeemerThe Belladonna ComedyPhoto by Gustavo Fring on Pexels

I know where my wallet is at all times.

My phone battery is full, yet my charger is on hand if needed.

Despite intimidating messaging from the loudspeaker, my uber will not be towed when it stops briefly to drop me off.

My boarding pass is easily accessible by the airline smartphone application, which is remarkably user friendly.

Dumping a whole bottle of water directly into a garbage can is okay. By contributing to the giant pot of beverage soup, which will inevitably get so heavy that it rips the trash bag, I am following the rules.

I move through security at my own pace, no one is upset with me.

Four separate bins is an appropriate number of bins for my belongings. I am not using too many of them. If I need to use five bins, that is okay too.

The TSA agent screaming commands does not startle me. He is just trying to do his job. I think he would make a lovely opera singer.

The carpet doesn’t feel weird at all, my socked feet move over each crusty fiber free of anxiety.

I do not get stuck in the claustrophobic, spinning X-ray machine. It does not have doors or mechanisms to trap me inside.

None of my belongings were smashed to smithereens by the luggage X-ray machine. They are all present and accounted for after security.

I find the nearest bathroom and use it in plenty of time before boarding begins. It is nice to have a space to freshen up, even if it is made entirely of stainless steel and feels like a spaceship.

I carefully review the departures board and find my gate with no complications.

The airport terminal is logically designed and well-marked.

My shoelaces do not get sucked into the moving walkway. I make it to the end without my feet getting meatgrinded.

The airport is endowed with an abundance of electrical sockets.

I am not experiencing an early symptoms of a migraine from the overhead lights in here.

I wait within perfect earshot of my designated gate; I miss no announcements made by the airline staff.

My luggage fits well within the luggage measurer. It will easily slide into the overhead bin without concussing my seatmate.

Boarding does not worry me; I will find my seat in plenty of time before takeoff.

The walkway between the airport door and the plane is not moving. No one bumps the joystick at the other end, splattering my fellow passengers and me onto the concrete two stories below. We make it to the plane safely.

There is a seat for every passenger, this is why I bought a ticket.


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