Beauty Q of the Day: Does Your Skin Break Out More in the Summer? – Jarastyle

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Beauty Q of the Day: Does Your Skin Break Out More in the Summer? - Jarastyle

The pimple that recently set up shop on my chin and I would like to know if your skin freaks the eff out when summer weather hits. Mine does, for sure!

I suspect it’s because I purposefully ease up on the chemical exfoliators, etc., when I know I’m going to be spending more time in the sun. I learned the hard way that I can’t aggressively layer acids and antioxidants and all the potent stuff AND be outside all day. It’s just too much.

So, I tend to keep it pretty basic when it comes to skincare during the summer, which means face wash, moisturizer, sunscreen and anything calming and soothing. I think between the combination of letting up on the AHAs, BHAs and skincare treatments, and then applying and reapplying hella sunscreen all day long, my face is like, “Ha ha ha! Here’s a juicy pimple, enjoy!”

How about you? Does your skin break out more in the summer?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,



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