Expert Tips to Beat It This Summer Jarastyle travel

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Expert Tips to Beat It This Summer Jarastyle travelPhoto by Abbie Bernet

Jet lag can turn any thrilling travel experience into a tiring ordeal. However, ComfyNorth’s founder Alex Savy is here to help. Leveraging his extensive experience in overcoming jet lag, Savy shares his tried and tested strategies that ensure an invigorating travel experience.

1. Gradually Adjust Your Schedule:

“Jet lag isn’t inevitable,” says Savy. He believes it’s all about adjusting your internal body clock to the new time zone, something achievable with a strategic approach. His first recommendation? “Start adjusting your schedule a few days before departure.” For instance, if you’re traveling east, try going to bed one hour earlier each day. Conversely, if heading west, do the opposite.

2. Stay Hydrated:

Hydration is another essential component of Savy’s anti-jet lag regimen. “The dry cabin air can dehydrate you, exacerbating feelings of fatigue and disorientation,” he explains. He suggests avoiding alcohol and caffeine during flights, both notorious for their dehydrating effects, and instead recommends drinking plenty of water.

3. Seek Light Exposure:

Savy also swears by the power of light exposure in resetting our internal body clocks. “After arrival, spend as much time as possible outside during daylight hours,” he advises. This natural light exposure can help realign your circadian rhythm with the local time.

4. Get Rest During Flight:

Finally, he promotes a proactive approach to sleep during the flight. “Use a sleep mask and noise-canceling headphones, or even consider a mild sleep aid if necessary,” Savy suggests, emphasizing the importance of rest during long-haul flights.

While these tips won’t completely eliminate jet lag for everyone, they can significantly reduce its impact. Savy reminds us that everyone is different and may need to tweak these strategies for maximum effectiveness. “Be patient with yourself,” he concludes, “Listen to your body and adjust accordingly.”

As travelers increasingly seek expert advice for smoother journeys, Alex Savy’s practical tips for beating jet lag are more important than ever. His insights provide a roadmap for frequent flyers to reclaim their travel experiences from the clutches of jet lag.


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